Volume Group not showing all the space

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I have 2 servers both configured the same, RHEL6.4 these are Dell R630 that have 8 * 600gig (really 558gig) drives. The drives are hardware raided raid 5 into one large disk. on box 1 I am ony seeing 834.97 GIGs of space when I run LVMDISKSCAN, but on the second box I am seeing all the space in he volume group that I should. 3.82 TB are showing on the box 2. I have shut down box one and looked at the raid configuration and it is correct 3908 Gigs configured as one logical disk raid 5. I haven't been able to determine why the space is not showing up. I am at the point where I will rebuild this machine , but if there is a way for me to recover the space with out rebuild would save me a lot of time as there are application that will have to be reinstalled if I have to rebuild. At this point I'm not sure if there is a way for me to get the volume group to see the missing space or not. If anyone has any suggestions I am more than willing to listen and to try to see if I can recover.
