Coming from Ubuntu/Debian to RHEL
Hello everyone. My name is Scott and I am a network administrator for a small company with employees worldwide. Currently we are working with Ubuntu/Zentyal servers as possible replacements for Microsoft Windows server 2k3 small data center infrastructure and are looking into RHEL. I have a fair amount of experience with Ubuntu primarily in the server realm and currently have a small proof of concept domain configured with AD at Win 2k8 level and working with no Windows boxes. Having managed to get AD, DNS, Samba4 file sharing, AD replication working as well as experimented in running Xen or VMWare vrtualization setups for remote user access of Citrix-like remote desktop/apps, we are looking at RHEL as it is able to do all these things without having these services spread across multiple vendors. I have not found very many how tos for RHEL 7 that are concise and to the point on the procedures for building the DNS, AD structure. Coming from Ubuntu as I have and having used the Zentyal interface, the ease with which to start all of the needed tasks are in one place and easily managed. I am having a difficult time making my way through the RHEL documentation as there is so much information that I get lost. Further, while Ubuntu/Debian/Zentyal use Samba4 as the AD DC, RHEL, I have found, does not do this because of their implementation of Kerberos. And as anyone delving into open source and linux in general knows: there is a plethora of OLD information out there that may or may not work with your current setup version.
Where I am now is a 90 day license for 3 boxes of RHEL, 1 license of RHEV, and one license of RH Directory Server. I need some guidance on how to set up DNS and the directory server as well as the best method for getting Samba to authenticate against the directory for file sharing to directory users. I think part of my issue is my lack of familiarity with RH convention and this may be hampering me a bit. But, I am having the powers that be consistently wondering when we will be moving forward with this, but my goal is data protection during the migration and I need to make sure that I have the best tools I can for this as well as trying to meet the check writer's anti-Microsoft sentiment. Personally, I think they should not discount Microsoft, but, I'm just a network admin.
Any information needed can be provided. Thank you in advance for any suggestions/help.