CloudForms database connectivity

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I want to be able to explore the CF database... one of the things we have run into is that the location of the reason for a provision of VM to be not auto approved seems to have moved so that the email we receive does not have a reason in it.

I was going to connect PGAdmin3 up to the CF database to help me find my way around, but so far I can't get it to connect.

Basically it says the password is incorrect for the user postgres. I am absolutely sure that the password is either smartvm (default CF password) or the password I use for everything else. But neither works.

I would like to change the password, but I don't want to break CF either (it's my lab, but still, I just got it working in my lab! don't want to break it just yet) so if I change the password for the user postgres, where is that password stored in the CF UI, and workers? I assume being security conscious (overly sometimes IMHO - but hey, we run everything on an internal secure network) this may not be straightforward, so where would I change the password in the UI and worker appliances?

I have already checked the postgres configuration and pg_hba.conf files and it is allowing all hosts to use md5.

Any advice on this would be hugely appreciated.

