RhevmAPIError when provisioning VM from CloudForms
I'm a little out of my depth here as I only started working with CF a few weeks ago and it is clearly a product with vast potential and not something that can be picked up quickly from an admin point of view.
Anyway, my colleague setup our instance and knows way more about it than I do, but I am trying to learn
He originally set it up to work with VMware. I now have a 4 node RHEV cluster with VMs and templates. I have added the RHEVM as a Provider to CF. Took a while but I am now seeing my templates and VMs.
I am trying to provision a VM. My colleague fixed the automation as it was bombing out on the method get_timezones - I guess he probably copied the provisioning script and took out that bit of the sysprep from the automation dialog - so yes, I can completely finish the dialogs after completing all the info... I submit and the request is auto approved, i see the status fo the request and it basically starts the VM, gets a MAC address, and a few things and then when it starts to clone the VM, I get teh RhevmAPIError and it fails. And there I seem to be at a standstill. I have looked at logs on the RHEVM system and on the CFUI appliance and I can't find anything more specific.
One onther thing that I wonder about is when provioning, I am presented with a drop down box of provisioning type (I think) and the types are ISO, Native Clone and PXE. I am selecting Native Clone, but not sure if that is correct, as it is when it starts to clone that it fails. It is a template, not a VM that I am provisioning from, maybe clone is correct, but I ususlly think of cloning a VM and deploying from a template...
Not sure if this makes any sense to anyone out there, but if anyone has any ideas I would appreciate it as my colleague is currently in China with very poor internet connection and not able to help me out much at this stage.