OSD/ROSA cluster requires user action before install or upgrade
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Before installing or upgrading Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA) clusters to the next minor version (y-stream), cluster owner action is necessary, and it depends on the version:
- ROSA STS 4.7 clusters are prevented from upgrading with an annotation on the CloudCredential CustomResource.
- ROSA 4.8 clusters require user action before scheduling a minor version upgrade.
- MissingUpgradeableAnnotation Cluster operator should not be upgraded between minor versions in OSD/ROSA clusters.
- ROSA STS 4.10 requires user action before install or upgrade.
- ROSA 4.11 clusters require user action before scheduling a minor version upgrade.
Before installing or upgrading Red Hat OpenShift Dedicated (OSD) clusters to the next minor version (y-stream), cluster owner action is necessary, and it depends on the version: