How to Create a New Red Hat Login ID and Account

Updated -
  • Important Notes
    • If you need to join an existing account, please contact your account Organization Administrator. 1
    • The following steps are exclusively for creating a new login ID and account separate from any existing accounts.
    • Once a login ID has been created, it can not be changed.
    • Login IDs can not be linked, merged, transferred, or reused between accounts.

Steps for creating a new Red Hat login ID and Account

  • Navigate to the user registration page.

  • Select the account type.

    • Select Corporate if using the account with an Organization or Business. A corporate Red Hat account allows a set of users to centrally purchase or administer systems within a corporate organization (system administrators, purchasing agents, IT management, etc.) If you have created a Corporate type account and require an account number, please reach out to

    • Select Personal if the account will only have a single user and not be used for business purposes. A personal Red Hat account is for purchasing or administering your own personal systems.

  • Create a unique login ID.

    • Minimum length is 5 characters.
    • Maximum length is 45 characters.
    • It is highly discouraged to use your contact email as the Login ID as this can cause issues at log-in if you
      are associated with multiple accounts.
    • Once a Login ID has been created, it cannot be changed.
    • Login IDs cannot be linked, merged, transferred, or reused between accounts.
    • Special characters that can be used include @ ! @ { } [ ] - _ .
    • Numerical characters can be used in the Login ID.
    • Red Hat Login ID cannot contain spaces, national characters, or the following special characters.
      " $ ^ < > | + % / ; : , * = ~ #()
  • Create a strong and unique password.

    • Must be at least 14 characters.
    • Must include at least 3 of the following: lowercase letter, uppercase letters, numbers, symbols.
    • Cannot contain the word(s) "redhat" or "password".
  • Fill in the rest of your personal information in the fields needed.

If you have questions or need additional guidance on setting up a Red Hat login ID and account, please contact

  1. To join an existing Red Hat account, the account Organization Administrator would perform one of the following procedures.
    * Manually create a new login ID under the existing account using the "Add New User" option from the "User Management" page.
    * Use the "Invite New Users" option from the "User Management" page to send the user an invitation email that will allow them to create a new login ID for the existing account. If this option is used, the process will NOT ask to choose a company name or account type as those items have already been set. The user should not complete the process if asked to choose an account type or company name as it will result in a separate account being created that will not have access to the existing company account. ↩︎
