What is OpenDaylight Controller:MD-SAL:Architecture ?

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Model-driven Service Abstraction Layer (MD-SAL), the Model-driven approach to service abstraction presents an opportunity to unify both northbound and southbound APIs and the data structures used in various services and components of an SDN Controller.

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MD-SAL currently provides infrastructure services for:

  • Data Store
  • RPC / Service routing
  • Notification subscription and publish services

In order to describe the structure of data provided by controller components, a domain-specific language, YANG, is proposed as the modeling language for service and data abstractions. Such language allows:

  • Modeling the structure of XML data and functionality provided by controller components.
  • Defining semantic elements and their relationships.
  • Modeling all the components as a single system.

The XML nature of YANG data model presents an opportunity for self-describing data, which controller components and applications using the controller’s northbound APIs can consume in a raw format, along with the data’s schema.

This content defines the architecture of a model-driven Service Abstraction Layer (SAL), binding-independent data formats used in the SAL, and infrastructure components that comprise the SAL.

Definitions and Acronyms

  • Binding: Java interfaces, classes and contracts generated from a YANG schema describing functionality.
  • Binding-Aware: A component or functionality which uses a generated Binding for data and APIs.
  • BI, Binding-independent: A component or functionality which uses a neutral data DOM format for data and API calls, which is independent of generated Java language bindings.
  • Binding-independent type identifier: An identifier for a data structure or an RPC method in a QName-like format[1].
  • Consumer: A component (e.g. an application) which uses the model and/or APIs provided (implemented) by another Providers.
  • Data operation: An operation on top of data subset describing the state of the system as a whole (configuration, running data).
  • DTO, Data Transfer Object: a simple object used to transfer data between Binding-Aware components. DTOs are part of binding.
  • Infrastructure Component: A component which is neither a Provider or a Consumer, but exposes or extends the SAL functionality.
  • Provider: A component which provides functionality to applications through either model-specific APIs or in a binding-independent format
  • SAL: Service Abstraction Layer.
  • NSF: Network Service Function (e.g. TopologyManager, ForwardingRulesManager).

Content Structure
Infrastructure and Infrastructural Components

Binding-Aware SAL
This uses code generated both at development time and at runtime. It comprises the following sections:

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  • Component
  • SDN
