Eclipse Che isn't working correctly in

Updated -

My Che workspace isn't starting when I hit the "Create Workspace" button

Ensure that your tenants are up-to-date (see the account section at the head of this page). If it still doesn't work open a ticket with Red Hat.

**I'm not getting auto-complete for my Java project**

Right-click on the project in the Project Explorer and select "Configuration" from the Project menu item. Ensure that you are configured as a Maven project, not Blank.

**How do I clean-up all Che workspaces in my OpenShift Online?**

From a running workspace click on the gray arrow on the top left corner of the workspace (or go to URL https://che-${ID} The Che dashboard will open. Select the "Workspaces" page in the left menu, then you can select all the workspaces you don't need and delete them.

**Which version should my Che be at?**

To find out the intended version, open a shell and execute the following command:

curl -sSL | grep latest | sed -e 's,.*<latest>\([^<]*\)</latest>.*,\1,g'
**How do I retrieve Che logs?**

There are at least 3 interesting Che logs you can look at if you are looking for details of Che bahviour:

- Che server (wsmaster) logs
- Che workspace (wsagent) logs
- Recommendation (bayesian) language server logs

Here are some commands that should help:

ID=<your osio id>
TOKEN=<your oso token>
oc login --token=${TOKEN}
oc project ${ID}-che

# get che server logs
MASTER_POD_ID=$(oc get pods --no-headers | grep che-[0-9])
oc logs ${MASTER_POD_ID}

# get workspace logs
WS_POD_ID=$(oc get pods --no-headers | grep che-ws)
oc rsh ${WS_POD_ID} \
     sh -c "cat /home/user/che/ws-agent/logs/catalina-0.log"

# get bayesian LS logs
oc rsh ${WS_POD_ID} \
     sh -c "cat /home/user/che/ls-bayesian/bayesian.log" 
