Manually Connecting an SSSD Client to an Active Directory Domain

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The recommended way to configure a System Security Services Daemon (SSSD) client to an Active Directory (AD) domain is using the realmd suite. See the Windows Integration Guide.

If you do not want to use realmd, this procedure describes how to configure the system manually.

Note: The instructions provided here are only valid for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.

  1. Set up the Linux system as an AD client and enroll it within the AD domain. This is done by configuring the Kerberos and Samba services on the Linux system.

    1. Install the following packages:

      # yum install krb5-workstation samba-common-tools sssd-ad
    2. Set up Kerberos to use the AD Kerberos realm.

      1. Open the Kerberos client configuration file.

        # vim /etc/krb5.conf
      2. Configure the [logging] and [libdefaults] sections so that they connect to the AD realm.

         default = FILE:/var/log/krb5libs.log
         default_realm = EXAMPLE.COM
         dns_lookup_realm = true
         dns_lookup_kdc = true
         ticket_lifetime = 24h
         renew_lifetime = 7d
         rdns = false
         forwardable = yes

        If auto-discovery is not used with SSSD, then also configure the [realms] and [domain_realm] sections to explicitly define the AD server.

    3. Configure the Samba server to connect to the AD server.

      1. Open the Samba configuration file.

        # vim /etc/samba/smb.conf
      2. Set the AD domain information in the [global] section.

           workgroup = EXAMPLE
           client signing = yes
           client use spnego = yes
           kerberos method = secrets and keytab
           log file = /var/log/samba/%m.log
           password server = AD.EXAMPLE.COM
           realm = EXAMPLE.COM
           security = ads
    4. Add the Linux machine to the AD domain.

      1. Obtain Kerberos credentials for a Windows administrative user.

        # kinit Administrator
      2. Add the machine to the domain using the net command.

        # net ads join -k
        Joined 'server' to dns domain ''

        This creates a new keytab file, /etc/krb5.keytab.

        List the keys for the system and check that the host principal is there.

        # klist -k
  2. If necessary, install the oddjob-mkhomedir package to allow SSSD to create home directories for AD users.

    # yum install oddjob-mkhomedir
  3. Use authconfig to enable SSSD for system authentication. Use the --enablemkhomedir to enable SSSD to create home directories.

    # authconfig --update --enablesssd --enablesssdauth --enablemkhomedir
  4. Open the SSSD configuration file.

    # vim /etc/sssd/sssd.conf
  5. Configure the AD domain.

    1. In the [sssd] section, add the AD domain to the list of active domains. This is the name of the domain entry that is set in [domain/NAME] in the SSSD configuration file.

      Also, add pac to the list of services; this enables SSSD to set and use MS-PAC information on tickets used to communicate with the AD

      config_file_version = 2
      domains =
      services = nss, pam, pac
    2. Create a new domain section at the bottom of the file for the AD domain. This section has the format domain/NAME, such as domain/EXAMPLE. For each provider, set the value to ad, and give the connection information for the specific AD instance to connect to.

      id_provider = ad
      auth_provider = ad
      chpass_provider = ad
      access_provider = ad
    3. Enable credentials caching; this allows users to log into the local system using cached information, even if the AD domain is unavailable.

      cache_credentials = true
