Windup 2.7.0 Release Notes

Updated -

These release notes describe the new features and changes implemented in the Windup 2.7.0 release.

JBoss EAP 5 to JBoss EAP 7 migration rules

New Windup rulesets have been added to allow for direct application migration from JBoss EAP 5 to JBoss EAP 7. See the Windup User Guide for supported migration paths.

Specify source and target technology versions

When executing Windup, you can now specify the version for the source and target technologies. This instructs Windup to only run the rulesets matching the specified versions. See the descriptions for the --source and --target arguments in the Windup User Guide for more details.

$ WINDUP_HOME/bin/windup --source eap:6 --target eap:7 --input /path/to/application.war

NOTE: When migrating to JBoss EAP, be sure to specify the version for the source and target. Specifying only eap will run rulesets for all versions of JBoss EAP, including those not relevant to your migration path.

Other improvements

An issue was fixed that made XML file validation very slow for certain applications.
