Removing the Red Hat Enterprise Linux OpenStack Platform Installer from a Host

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The Red Hat Enterprise Linux OpenStack Platform Installer is an application that deploys and scales your OpenStack environment. Users who no longer require the installer can remove it by erasing the rhel-osp-installer package, its dependencies, and associated configuration directories. Use the following steps to remove the Red Hat Enterprise Linux OpenStack Platform Installer.

  1. On your Red Hat Enterprise Linux OpenStack Platform Installer host, edit the /etc/yum.conf file and add the following parameter to the end:


    This parameter tells yum to check and remove unused dependencies when performing yum remove on parent packages. If the dependencies are still required, yum will not remove them.

  2. Perform a yum remove on the main installer packages:

    [root@osp-installer ~]# yum -y remove rhel-osp-installer foreman* puppet postgresql* dhcp bind httpd

    Note that this command erases your Red Hat Enterprise Linux OpenStack Platform Installer completely

  3. Remove all configuration directories associated with the installer.

    [root@osp-installer ~]# rm -rf /var/lib/tftpboot /etc/puppet/ /var/lib/puppet/ /var/lib/dhcpd/ /etc/foreman* /var/lib/foreman/ /etc/named/ /var/named/  /var/lib/pgsql /etc/httpd

Your host no longer contains the Red Hat Enterprise Linux OpenStack Platform Installer and you can now reprovision this machine for other purposes.
