Cinder backup is taking hours due to No dm was created

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat OpenStack Platform 13.0.16


Why the cinder backup looks stuck, there no errors and only the warning No dm was created?


Specify CinderBackupOptVolumes parameter in environment cinder-backup template.

  1. Add the following to templates.
    - /etc/multipath.conf:/etc/multipath.conf:ro
    - /etc/multipath/:/etc/multipath/:rw
  1. Run a overcloud deploy.

  2. Check if multipath was configured on cinder backup container.

[root@controller01 ~]# docker exec -it `docker ps|grep -i cinder-backup|awk '{print $1}'` cat /etc/multipath.conf
# For a list of configuration options with descriptions, see the multipath.conf man page
[root@controller01 ~]# docker exec -it `docker ps|grep -i cinder-backup|awk '{print $1}'` multipath -ll
<id> <dm> <storage>

Root Cause

The parameter to use multipath was not defined in templates, so the cinder backup container blacklisted all devices and affected the time to do a backup.

The parameter CinderBackupOptVolumes was included only in Openstack 13.0.16.

Diagnostic Steps

  1. Enable debug on Cinder.

  2. Check for the logs.

2023-10-16 15:10:00.832 43 DEBUG oslo_concurrency.processutils [-] Running cmd (subprocess): multipath -a 360002ac0000000000000022c00023073 execute /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/oslo_concurrency/
2023-10-16 15:10:01.648 43 DEBUG oslo_concurrency.processutils [-] CMD "multipath -a 360002ac0000000000000022c00023073" returned: 0 in 0.815s execute /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/oslo_concurrency/
2023-10-16 15:10:01.648 43 DEBUG oslo.privsep.daemon [-] privsep: reply[139830818971728]: (4, ("Oct 16 15:10:01 | /etc/multipath.conf does not exist, blacklisting all devices.\nOct 16 15:10:01 | A default multipath.conf file is located at\nOct 16 15:10:01 | /usr/share/doc/device-mapper-multipath-0.4.9/multipath.conf\nOct 16 15:10:01 | You can run /sbin/mpathconf --enable to create\nOct 16 15:10:01 | /etc/multipath.conf. See man mpathconf(8) for more details\nwwid '360002ac0000000000000022c00023073' added\n", '')) loop /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/oslo_privsep/
2023-10-16 15:10:01.649 8 WARNING os_brick.initiator.connectors.iscsi [req-00a7a83e-b212-4361-ac5a-b74cf626563f 9c190750478c428d96c449d3252e57c7 d3a98bf45f7a4b85ad6f906c94a24140 - default default] No dm was created, connection to volume is probably bad and will perform poorly.
  1. Check if the multipath was configured in the container.
[root@controller01 ~]# docker exec -it `docker ps|grep -i cinder-backup|awk '{print $1}'` cat /etc/multipath.conf
[root@controller01 ~]# docker exec -it `docker ps|grep -i cinder-backup|awk '{print $1}'` multipath -ll

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