Network disconnection cause ceph mounts to fail with 'Permission denied' errors

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Openshift Container Storage version 4.8 and below
  • Openshift Data Foundation 4.9 and above


  • Pods mounting CephFS volumes get Permission denied errors
  • Network disruption followed by client eviction which results in the mount point being in accessible because of 'Permission Denied'.
  • Pod using cephfs PV fails to start - CreateContainerError : failed to resolve symlink : lstat : permission denied
Error: failed to resolve symlink "/var/lib/kubelet/pods/44xxxxxb-8xx3-4xx3-8xx1-cxxxxxxx2/volumes/": lstat /var/lib/kubelet/pods/44xxxxxb-8xx3-4xx3-8xx1-cxxxxxxxx92/volumes/ permission denied
  • This issue is related only to cephfs, BUT NOT to ceph-rbd


  • Identify the PVC from the error log: in this exmaple pvc-axxxxxxb-6xxx1-4xx4-bxxa-01xxxxxxxf
  • Identify the node where the pod is in CreateContainerError state : oc -n app_namespace get pod -o wide
  • Identify the list of pods using the PVC on that given node.
  • Scale down all the pods using the PVC
  • Check no stale mount exists on the node (bind mounts and global mounts) : on the ocs node run: mount |grep cephfs
Example of global mount:,, on /var/lib/kubelet/plugins/ type ceph (rw,relatime,seclabel,name=csi-cephfs-node,secret=<hidden>,ms_mode=prefer-crc,fsid=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000,acl,mds_namespace=ocs-storagecluster-cephfilesystem,_netdev)

Example of bind mount:,, on /var/lib/kubelet/pods/4xxxxb-8xx3-4xx3-8xx1-cxxxxxx2/volumes/ type ceph (rw,relatime,seclabel,name=csi-cephfs-node,secret=<hidden>,ms_mode=prefer-crc,fsid=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000,acl,mds_namespace=ocs-storagecluster-cephfilesystem,_netdev)
  • If there are still cephfs mounts present for that PVC , from the OCS node manually unmount the CSI cephfs bind and global mounts (for that PV) on the worker node : unmount /mount_path

  • Now scale up all the pods (that were identified and scale down before) : new mounts should be initiated automatically when a new pod is started, the first pod kubelet will send to the CephCSI driver a NodeStage (to mount the CepFS pvc to the stagingPath) followed by nodePublish (bind mount the stagingPath to the TargetPath)

  • As last resort reboot the node on which pod is trying to schedule and in 'CreateContainerError' state

  • In the below example, pod 'prometheus-k8s-1' is in 'CreateContainerError' state on node , the node to be rebooted is ''
prometheus-k8s-0                                         6/6     Terminating            0               2d11h   <none>           <none>
prometheus-k8s-1                                         6/6     CreateContainerError   0               148d   <none>           <none>
prometheus-operator-admission-webhook-5d8ff8b977-2bgdw   1/1     CreateContainerError   0               2d11h   <none>           <none>

Root Cause

  • CephFS clients observe network disconnections . The affected client is added to the blocklist. Once the entry in the blocklist times out, the access to the file system is not recovered.
  • 'Permission denied' errors are expected after a CephFS client is evicted. The issue is with the design of kceph fs client (the driver that allows mounting a cephfs subvlume is inside the RHEL kernel, the kernel module ceph). Once this occurs, there's no possible CephFS re-connection. The client needs to umount / mount the file system again to recover access.
  • This issue is being tracked in bug BZ 2119852. Detailed RCA is in the bug BZ 2119852#38

Diagnostic Steps

  • Events will report error 'failed to resolve symlink ..'
  Type     Reason          Age                   From               Message

  Normal   Scheduled       3m33s                 default-scheduler  Successfully assigned cpxxxxxx/cpxxxxxx-eventprocessor-eve-29ee-ep-taskmanager-1 to
  Normal   AddedInterface  3m31s                 multus             Add eth0 [10.x.x.75/23] from openshift-sdn
  Warning  Failed          74s (x12 over 3m31s)  kubelet            Error: failed to resolve symlink "/var/lib/kubelet/pods/c4xxxx7-0xx4-4xx5-8xxa-4xxxxxxxxdd/volumes/kubernetes.iocsi/pvc-6xxxxxx2-0b7a-4xx8-xxxx-xxxxxx/mount": lstat /var/lib/kubelet/pods/c4xxxxx7-0xx4-4xx5-8xxa-4xxxxdd/volumes/kubernetes.iocsi/pvc-6fbf71e2-0b7a-4fd8-94f8-e683ea90531a/mount: permission denied
  Normal   Pulled          63s (x13 over 3m31s)  kubelet            Container image "" already present on machine

  • ls on the problematic directory of the node where the pod was running

$ oc debug node/<node name> $ chroot /host $ ls -lah /var/lib/kubelet/pods/e7xxxxx9-6xx8-4xx2-bxx2-6xxxxxxxx1d/volumes/ ls: cannot access '/var/lib/kubelet/pods/e7xxxxx9-6xx8-4xx2-bxx2-6xxxxxxxx1d/volumes/': Permission denied total 4.0K drwxr-x---. 3 root root 40 Aug 28 14:26 . drwxr-x---. 3 root root 54 Aug 28 14:26 .. d?????????? ? ? ? ? ? mount -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 369 Aug 28 14:26 vol_data.json $ cat /var/lib/kubelet/pods/e70da9d9-64b8-46b2-bfd2-6ad9e2fb391d/volumes/

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