PostgreSQL pg_repack option in Tower installation

Solution In Progress - Updated -


  • rhel8/postgresql-12 and higher


Needing to remove bloat from tables in the default installation of PostgreSQL in Tower without full vacuum.


In rhel8/postgresql-12 and higher , the pg_repack is included by default and can be run by those using the container image.

Running the following will add necessary items to the db, run pg_repack to test, and check that the command resulted in a 0 output.

# psql -c "CREATE DATABASE testrepack;"
# psql -c "CREATE EXTENSION pg_repack" testrepack
# pgbench -i -s 50 testrepack
# pg_repack --no-order --table pgbench_accounts testrepack -e
# echo $?
# 0

Root Cause

Container image rhel8/postgresql-11 and lower do not include the pg_repack option.

Diagnostic Steps

Running pg_repack within the container image results in a successful completion of the command.

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