soscleaner doesn't obfuscate sub-domains

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7.5
  • redhat-support-tool-0.9.10-1.el7


Whilst the hosts DNS domain, e.g., is obfuscated correctly the sub-domains of it are not, e.g. or are left in the logs.

Above means that some of company's FQDNs still appear in the logs, e.g.:

Service: krbtgt/TEST.EXAMPLE.COM@TEST.EXAMPLE.COM, Server:  

Usernames are not being removed from logfiles, e.g.:

# grep test123 soscleaner-123456/last
test123  pts/0        x.y.z.w      Wed Oct 17 09:13   still logged in

We require soscleaner to

  • Add support to obfuscate sub-domains
  • Add username obfuscation


Please update to redhat-support-tool-0.9.11-1.el7 shipped with Advisory RHBA-2019:2267 or newer.

Root Cause

The soscleaner in redhat-support-tool was updated to version with sub-domains and username obfuscation fixed.

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