pulp-admin on RHUI fails with "error_message": "Authentication with username admin failed: invalid username or password".

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat Update Infrastructure 3.0


  • pulp-admin failing with invalid credentails error:
# pulp-admin -u admin -p <pulpAdminPassword> repo list
"error_message": "Authentication with username admin failed: invalid username or password"


  • Verify if the pulp-admin's password being used is correct:
[root@rhua ~]# cat /etc/rhui-installer/answers.yaml | grep rhui_manager_password
rhui_manager_password: eGqxQSfSTibGjrS6tf3naWYFM6znVaFV     <===== These passwords should match.

[root@rhua ~]# cat /etc/pulp/server.conf|grep default_password
default_password: eGqxQSfSTibGjrS6tf3naWYFM6znVaFV     <===== These passwords should match.

[root@rhua ~]# pulpAdminPassword=$(grep ^default_password /etc/pulp/server.conf | cut -d' ' -f2)
[root@rhua ~]# echo $pulpAdminPassword
eGqxQSfSTibGjrS6tf3naWYFM6znVaFV          <===== These passwords should match.
  • Try resetting the admin user's password through rhui-manager by referring this documentation.

Root Cause

  • Invalid password used to authorize pulp-admin.

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