How to verify the SNAT and DNAT mapping in OVN-DVR?

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat OpenStack 13
  • OpenvSwitch 2.9
  • python-networking-ovn-4.0
  • openvswitch-ovn-central-2.9


  • In Red Hat OpenStack 13, how to verify SNAT gateway map to compute chassis in OVN-DVR integrated environment?


  • In OVN environment , if the OpenStack instance doesn't have floating IP address, the SNAT traffic traversed through the controller. But, if the instance have floating IP then both SNAT and DNAT traffic routed via compute node.

Note: The below sample output in resolution section is captured from Red Hat test environment and it varies to other environments with its deployment scenario.

  • Log in to overcloud nodes set the Northbound and Southbound socket environment to execute OVN utility commands.

    export SB=$(sudo ovs-vsctl get open . external_ids:ovn-remote | sed -e 's/\"//g')
    export NB=$(sudo ovs-vsctl get open . external_ids:ovn-remote | sed -e 's/\"//g' | sed -e 's/6642/6641/g')
    alias ovn-sbctl='sudo docker exec ovn_controller ovn-sbctl --db=$SB'
    alias ovn-nbctl='sudo docker exec ovn_controller ovn-nbctl --db=$NB'
    alias ovn-trace='sudo docker exec ovn_controller ovn-trace --db=$SB'
  1. From the below output, verify enable-chassis-as-gw flag and its associated node name and _uuid. In RHOSP environment, by default OVN gateway node scheduled on Controller nodes.


    # ovn-sbctl list chassis
    _uuid               : 52337841-9489-456f-a0eb-9618824c9094
    encaps              : [0863c0df-a949-4e0e-9e9a-7b1be8151588]
    external_ids        : {datapath-type="", iface-types="geneve,gre,internal,lisp,patch,stt,system,tap,vxlan", ovn-bridge-mappings="external:br-ex", ovn-cms-options=enable-chassis-as-gw}
    hostname            : "ovn-controller-0.localdomain"
    name                : "0f14983e-a077-42ae-8003-1c8d52897d17"
    nb_cfg              : 0
    vtep_logical_switches: []
    _uuid               : dd33bbb6-72c5-41eb-9413-abd529f34f6c
    encaps              : [a9746d55-62e7-42e0-8950-2a2b878e04e6]
    external_ids        : {datapath-type=system, iface-types="geneve,gre,internal,lisp,patch,stt,system,tap,vxlan", neutron-metadata-proxy-networks="1c5d3527-bb3d-4dd0-91e6-1c81b9140fe7", ovn-bridge-mappings="provider1:br-provider1,provider2:br-provider2,provider3:br-provider3,external:br-ex", ovn-cms-options=""}
    hostname            : "ovn-compute-0.localdomain"
    name                : "8f610c63-7eb6-4397-b226-2a91a5091e3a"
    nb_cfg              : 0
    vtep_logical_switches: []
    _uuid               : f51ea336-91c6-4052-9052-a4b61780181d
    encaps              : [4f1403f9-2b81-4137-be37-411eb58ca380]
    external_ids        : {datapath-type=system, iface-types="geneve,gre,internal,lisp,patch,stt,system,tap,vxlan", neutron-metadata-proxy-networks="d6d9b694-b524-4cbc-8534-f8a6e316754b", ovn-bridge-mappings="provider1:br-provider1,provider2:br-provider2,provider3:br-provider3,external:br-ex", ovn-cms-options=""}
    hostname            : "ovn-compute-1.localdomain"
    name                : "3fc188a2-ce7e-4365-a943-47d113b2bf27"
    nb_cfg              : 0
    vtep_logical_switches: []
  2. Review the external_gateway_info from tenant router (e.g., router1) and the ip_address.


    $ openstack router show router1 --fit-width
    | Field                   | Value                                                                                                                                                                                                            |
    | admin_state_up          | UP                                                                                                                                                                                                               |
    | availability_zone_hints | None                                                                                                                                                                                                             |
    | availability_zones      | None                                                                                                                                                                                                             |
    | created_at              | 2019-05-09T04:01:42Z                                                                                                                                                                                             |
    | description             |                                                                                                                                                                                                                  |
    | external_gateway_info   | {"network_id": "b1441d59-77b2-437a-844a-bb6035b9b244", "enable_snat": true, "external_fixed_ips": [{"subnet_id": "1f050cb2-457c-4c85-b56b-b6f732aad719", "ip_address": ""}]}                        |
    | flavor_id               | None                                                                                                                                                                                                             |
    | id                      | 5cc4530a-23b3-4c3a-973e-52c3531ef55a                                                                                                                                                                             |
    | interfaces_info         | [{"subnet_id": "34b3779c-580d-4b67-80b6-451ea6c7ec46", "ip_address": "2002::1", "port_id": "26537047-e8ee-4611-8143-83a446de88d9"}, {"subnet_id": "a80e0507-87c2-4866-9a80-0a1e266ca866", "ip_address":          |
    |                         | "", "port_id": "7c9f236a-4c27-4a4f-82fb-e79e278d3c40"}, {"subnet_id": "30ac6535-6a43-4ea4-a014-fb9dae80e5aa", "ip_address": "", "port_id": "98b1012f-4c4b-41a4-b120-4ccd905eb8c1"},        |
    |                         | {"subnet_id": "8acffbd5-5482-4b48-b6dd-0a918d2ea746", "ip_address": "2001::1", "port_id": "fd67a0fb-6d42-4822-b628-86e879d534db"}]                                                                               |
    | name                    | router1                                                                                                                                                                                                          |
    | project_id              | 0003bc0071bb4a4ab558fb68bd9ee2db                                                                                                                                                                                 |
    | revision_number         | 6                                                                                                                                                                                                                |
    | routes                  |                                                                                                                                                                                                                  |
    | status                  | ACTIVE                                                                                                                                                                                                           |
    | tags                    |                                                                                                                                                                                                                  |
    | updated_at              | 2019-05-09T04:02:27Z                                                                                                                                                                                             |
  3. Use neutron router UUID with prefix neutron- parameter to collect routing details from Logical_Router table.


    # ovn-nbctl find Logical_Router name=neutron-5cc4530a-23b3-4c3a-973e-52c3531ef55a
    _uuid               : b64d5d60-498e-495f-94e5-542a1e5b468f
    enabled             : true
    external_ids        : {"neutron:gw_port_id"="1c737898-c9a1-4968-bb52-20f0a73d4ed7", "neutron:revision_number"="6", "neutron:router_name"="router1"}
    load_balancer       : []
    name                : "neutron-5cc4530a-23b3-4c3a-973e-52c3531ef55a"
    nat                 : [ba280916-f578-4f67-a2da-2a7f1a95e1d6, d66981a1-ddb8-486d-98e4-ac9ef90f70bd, faf6cba8-d923-4a80-a262-4346232cba2d]
    options             : {}
    ports               : [1e1933d2-606f-489f-b437-9c9733095989, 52b36011-1e96-4e50-bb88-e566daa1aaf3, 694c35ee-46c4-4551-bb61-d0e481744879, 72908e0d-5d9f-461a-a590-893a1e67130a, da58d02a-817e-44eb-8ecd-479fbee84d86]
    static_routes       : [62c5b04d-e032-4a7f-9ed1-33346eb46cfb]
  4. From OVN NAT northbound table, verify SNAT mapping details.


    # ovn-nbctl find NAT type=snat
    _uuid               : d66981a1-ddb8-486d-98e4-ac9ef90f70bd
    external_ids        : {}
    external_ip         : ""
    external_mac        : []
    logical_ip          : ""
    logical_port        : []
    type                : snat
    _uuid               : ba280916-f578-4f67-a2da-2a7f1a95e1d6
    external_ids        : {}
    external_ip         : ""
    external_mac        : []
    logical_ip          : ""
    logical_port        : []
    type                : snat
  5. Now using reside-on-redirect-chassis flag verify the gateway chassis where the SNAT gateway IP bind. In this below example and in default scenario the gateway_chassis ID map to controller node UUID.


    # ovn-nbctl find logical_router_port options={reside-on-redirect-chassis="true"}
    _uuid               : 694c35ee-46c4-4551-bb61-d0e481744879
    enabled             : []
    external_ids        : {"neutron:revision_number"="8", "neutron:router_name"="5cc4530a-23b3-4c3a-973e-52c3531ef55a", "neutron:subnet_ids"="1f050cb2-457c-4c85-b56b-b6f732aad719"}
    gateway_chassis     : [2fc987a9-a01f-4395-a3a8-5c96ee878d96]
    ipv6_ra_configs     : {}
    mac                 : "fa:16:3e:43:6c:9a"
    name                : "lrp-1c737898-c9a1-4968-bb52-20f0a73d4ed7"
    networks            : [""]
    options             : {reside-on-redirect-chassis="true"}
    peer                : []
  6. The below Gateway_Chassis output can help to find out associated chassis_name details with priority. If there are three controller the SNAT traffic schedule the traffic the highest priority gateway chassis.


    # ovn-nbctl list Gateway_Chassis
    _uuid               : 2fc987a9-a01f-4395-a3a8-5c96ee878d96
    chassis_name        : "0f14983e-a077-42ae-8003-1c8d52897d17"
    external_ids        : {}
    name                : "lrp-1c737898-c9a1-4968-bb52-20f0a73d4ed7_0f14983e-a077-42ae-8003-1c8d52897d17"
    options             : {}
    priority            : 1
  7. If the instance floating IP, query the NAT table with type dnat_and_snat.


    # ovn-nbctl find NAT type=dnat_and_snat
    _uuid               : faf6cba8-d923-4a80-a262-4346232cba2d
    external_ids        : {"neutron:fip_external_mac"="fa:16:3e:94:8e:89", "neutron:fip_id"="7c8da56d-2f3f-4d6f-ad7e-e8aaa3ffa9e3", "neutron:fip_port_id"="755413fa-fd8d-4e4f-bcdb-bd9e69b12268", "neutron:revision_number"="2", "neutron:router_name"="neutron-5cc4530a-23b3-4c3a-973e-52c3531ef55a"}
    external_ip         : ""
    external_mac        : "fa:16:3e:94:8e:89"
    logical_ip          : ""
    logical_port        : "755413fa-fd8d-4e4f-bcdb-bd9e69b12268"
    type                : dnat_and_snat
  8. Ensure the dnat_and_snat rows bind with EXTERNAL_MAC address, else SNAT and DNAT service of FIP is not routed via compute node.


    # ovn-nbctl lr-nat-list neutron-5cc4530a-23b3-4c3a-973e-52c3531ef55a
    TYPE             EXTERNAL_IP        LOGICAL_IP            EXTERNAL_MAC         LOGICAL_PORT
    dnat_and_snat           fa:16:3e:94:8e:89    755413fa-fd8d-4e4f-bcdb-bd9e69b12268

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