Manifest Refresh on Red Hat Satellite 5.8 is fails with "ERROR: No subscriptions were found in manifest."

Solution Unverified - Updated -


  • Red Hat Satellite 5.8


  • Manifest Refresh on Red Hat Satellite 5.8 is failing with below error:
# rhn-satellite-activate -vvv --manifest-refresh
10:53:04 HTTP_PROXY:
10:53:04 HTTP_PROXY_PASSWORD: <password>
10:53:04 Downloading manifest...
10:53:04 URL: ''
10:53:04 Parameters: '{'ext': [u'ownerid:7009073', u'version:5.8']}'

ERROR: No subscriptions were found in manifest.


  • Login to customer portal and go to Subscription Allocation.
  • Under Subscription Allocation, click on satellite server profile name to access Satellite profile.
  • Now click on Subscription tab to attach all the required subscriptions.
  • Once the subscriptions are attached go ahead and refresh the manifest on the satellite server by running below command:
# rhn-satellite-activate -vvv --manifest-refresh

Root Cause

  • Manifest refresh was failing as the Satellite Profile present on customer portal under Subscription Allocation was not linked to any subscriptions.

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