Unable to delete the existing overcloud stack from OpenStack Director node

Solution In Progress - Updated -


  • Red Hat OpenStack Director


  • Unable to delete the existing stack with with following error:

    (undercloud) [stack@ospdirector ~]$ openstack stack delete overcloud
    Are you sure you want to delete this stack(s) [y/N]? y
    Forbidden: overcloud
    Unable to delete 1 of the 1 stacks.


  • Modify the stacks:delete with parmater deny_stack_user.

    "stacks:delete": "rule:deny_stack_user"
  • Then proceed to restart the heat service in Director node.

    [root@undercloud-11 ~]# systemctl restart openstack-heat-engine.service openstack-heat-api.service openstack-heat-api-cfn.service
  • After successfully deployed overcloud stack, refer official documentation to protecticting the overcloud stack.

Root Cause

  • In the Director node the stack-delete operation has restricted for everyuser in /etc/heat/policy.json file.

Diagnostic Steps

  • Verify stacks:delete policy parameter details in heat/policy.json.

    $ grep stacks:delete etc/heat/policy.json
        "stacks:delete": "rule:deny_everybody",

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