Creation of a VDO volume fails with "vdo: ERROR - Not enough available memory" using default value

Solution Unverified - Updated -


  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7.5


Creating a VDO volume using default UDS memory size (250MB) or using any permitted floating point value (0.5, 0.75) fails with:

# vdo create --verbose  --name=myvdo1 --device=/dev/vdc --vdoLogicalSize=2T
Creating VDO myvdo1
    grep MemAvailable /proc/meminfo
vdo: ERROR - Not enough available memory in system for index requirement of 25G


This is likely due to the use of a locale LC_NUMERIC known to use decimal separators different than "." ; i.e. Spanish locales.

An easy workaround for this issue is switch to US LC_NUMERIC locale:

# env | grep LC_NUMERIC
# vdo create --verbose  --name=myvdo1 --device=/dev/vdc --vdoLogicalSize=2T
Creating VDO myvdo1
    grep MemAvailable /proc/meminfo
vdo: ERROR - Not enough available memory in system for index requirement of 25G
# export LC_NUMERIC=en_US.utf8
# vdo create --verbose  --name=myvdo1 --device=/dev/vdc --vdoLogicalSize=2T
Creating VDO myvdo1
    grep MemAvailable /proc/meminfo
    pvcreate -qq --test /dev/vdc
    modprobe kvdo
    vdoformat --uds-checkpoint-frequency=0 --uds-memory-size=0.25 --logical-size=2T /dev/vdc
    vdodumpconfig /dev/vdc
Starting VDO myvdo1
    dmsetup status myvdo1
    modprobe kvdo
    vdodumpconfig /dev/vdc
    dmsetup create myvdo1 --uuid VDO-XXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX --table '0 4294967296 dedupe /dev/vdc 4096 disabled 0 32768 16380 on sync myvdo1 ack=1,bio=4,bioRotationInterval=64,cpu=2,hash=1,logical=1,physical=1'
    dmsetup status myvdo1
Starting compression on VDO myvdo1
    dmsetup message myvdo1 0 compression on
    dmsetup status myvdo1
VDO instance 1 volume is ready at /dev/mapper/myvdo1

This issue is being tracked and worked under bugzilla 1552146

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