How can a business calendar be used on an individual timer by timer basis in BPM Suite 6?

Solution Unverified - Updated -


Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite (BPMS) 6.x


  • We have several timers in our processes, and one of them needs to use business hours for its calculations. We're having a hard time finding good documentation for configuring this behavior.

  • Is it possible to configure a business calendar for a single timer? The docs and code seem to imply that a business calendar is configured for the entire ksession and is used across all timers within that ksession.

  • The requirement is to have some timers be timed exactly and others be timed based on business hours. Is this possible? Perhaps I need to implement a custom BussinesCalendar class where the timer syntax can be expanded with a "business" keyword?


It is not possible to set BusinessCalendar for a specific timer. However, there is another approach which can be used to invoke the business calendar directly to calculate the absolute time, store it in a process variable and use the variable to configure the Time Date field on the timer. The logic executed before hand:

    public static void initializeTraderTaskExpiration(ProcessContext kcontext) {
        Properties config = (Properties) kcontext.getVariable(procVariables.workflowSettings.toString());
        Properties businessCalendarProperties =
                (Properties) kcontext.getVariable(procVariables.businessCalendarProperties.toString());
        String expirationExpr = config.getProperty(TRADER_EXPIRATION_EXPR_VAR_NAME);
        if(expirationExpr == null || Objects.equals(expirationExpr, "")) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Missing " + TRADER_EXPIRATION_EXPR_VAR_NAME + " variable");
        BusinessCalendar businessCalendar = new BusinessCalendarImpl(businessCalendarProperties);
        Date expirationDate = businessCalendar.calculateBusinessTimeAsDate(expirationExpr);
        String expirationDateRaw = ISODateTimeFormat.dateTimeNoMillis().print(expirationDate.toInstant().toEpochMilli());
        kcontext.setVariable(procVariables.traderTaskExpirationDate.toString(), expirationDateRaw);

1. The traderTaskExpirationDate is referenced in the Time Date field using #{...} syntax;
2. Do not configure the business calendar globally;
3. Load a properties file with the necessary* properties in a process variable (mostly to prevent loading this file repeatedly during a process' lifetime).

This allows us to keep the normal timer behavior but also pull in the business calendar logic on a timer by timer basis.

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