Ceph Monitor has hardcoded IPs in Nova database

Solution In Progress - Updated -


  • Red Hat OpenStack Platform 8 (Liberty)


  • Ceph monitor IPs are hardcode in the nova.block_device_mappings database.
  • If Ceph monitors are replaced, it could be a real problem because there is not a tool to update all fields in the Nova database.


  • The resolution is in progress in the BZ 1414124.

Diagnostic Steps

  1. Create a new instance:
# nova boot --flavor A2 --block-device source=image,id=35a49dbb-c975-46e1-b5d7-e77d704b39e3,dest=volume,size=60,shutdown=remove,bootindex=0 --availability-zone AZ1-2 test-consulting-ceph-monitor-before
            | OS-DCF:diskConfig                    | MANUAL                                                   |
            | OS-EXT-AZ:availability_zone          | AZ1-2                                                   |
            | OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:host                 | node1.tam.local             |
            | OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:hypervisor_hostname  | node1.tam.local             |
            | OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:instance_name        | inst-00000300                                            |
            | OS-EXT-STS:power_state               | 1                                                        |
            | OS-EXT-STS:task_state                | -                                                        |
            | OS-EXT-STS:vm_state                  | active                                                   |
            | OS-SRV-USG:launched_at               | 2017-02-16T14:27:52.000000                               |
            | OS-SRV-USG:terminated_at             | -                                                        |
            | accessIPv4                           |                                                          |
            | accessIPv6                           |                                                          |
            | config_drive                         |                                                          |
            | created                              | 2017-02-16T14:27:39Z                                     |
            | flavor                               | A2 (1002)                                                |
            | hostId                               | c01ca1f1e941c704d84106fe0a67708f1897bd4d3e0788a773993d2a |
            | id                                   | d61d23a4-b085-4f12-b3c3-eaacaa7ac33a                     |
            | image                                | Attempt to boot from volume - no image supplied          |
            | key_name                             | -                                                        |
            | metadata                             | {}                                                       |
            | name                                 | test-consulting-ceph-monitor-before                        |
            | os-extended-volumes:volumes_attached | [{"id": "a5a69591-5aab-4aa8-86bf-f638a424990b"}]         |
            | progress                             | 0                                                        |
            | status                               | ACTIVE                                                   |
            | tenant_id                            | f7697e2b770540558695168119dfbf08                         |
            | updated                              | 2017-02-16T14:27:52Z                                     |
            | user_id                              | admin                                                    |
  1. Check Ceph monitor IPs in nova.block_device_mapping:
        MariaDB [nova]> select * from nova.block_device_mapping where instance_uuid="d61d23a4-b085-4f12-b3c3-eaacaa7ac33a"\G
            *************************** 1. row ***************************
                       created_at: 2017-02-16 14:27:40
                       updated_at: 2017-02-16 14:27:52
                       deleted_at: NULL
                               id: 756
                      device_name: /dev/vda
            delete_on_termination: 1
                      snapshot_id: NULL
                        volume_id: a5a69591-5aab-4aa8-86bf-f638a424990b
                      volume_size: 60
                        no_device: 0
                  connection_info: {"driver_volume_type": "rbd", "connector": {"initiator": "iqn.1994-05.com.redhat:a114ee6e254", "ip": "", "platform": "x86_64", "host": "node1.tam.local", "os_type": "linux2", "multipath": false}, "serial": "a5a69591-5aab-4aa8-86bf-f638a424990b", "data": {"secret_type": "ceph", "name": "volumes/volume-a5a69591-5aab-4aa8-86bf-f638a424990b", "encrypted": false, "secret_uuid": "d9bdd614-d20d-4a1f-8446-65a30b1bb009", "qos_specs": {"read_bytes_sec": "52428800", "write_iops_sec": "100", "write_bytes_sec": "52428800", "read_iops_sec": "100"}, "hosts": ["", "", "", "", ""], "volume_id": "a5a69591-5aab-4aa8-86bf-f638a424990b", "auth_enabled": true, "access_mode": "rw", "auth_username": "volumes", "ports": ["6789", "6789", "6789", "6789", "6789"]}}
                    instance_uuid: d61d23a4-b085-4f12-b3c3-eaacaa7ac33a
                          deleted: 0
                      source_type: image
                 destination_type: volume
                     guest_format: NULL
                      device_type: disk
                         disk_bus: virtio
                       boot_index: 0
                         image_id: 35a49dbb-c975-46e1-b5d7-e77d704b39e3
            1 row in set (0.00 sec)
        Ceph monitor IPs: "hosts": ["", "", "", "", ""]
  1. Add a new monitor: We have followed procedure attached replace_monitors.pdf
# ceph -s
            cluster 129430ee-827a-41f7-8385-d40422742400
             health HEALTH_OK
             monmap e2: 6 mons at {srvmes102cnodep01=,srvmes102cnodep02=,srvmes102cnodep03=,srvmes102cnodep04=,vmmes100cephmp01=,vmmes100cmonp02=}
                    election epoch 10, quorum 0,1,2,3,4,5 vmmes100cephmp01,vmmes100cmonp02,srvmes102cnodep01,srvmes102cnodep02,srvmes102cnodep03,srvmes102cnodep04
             osdmap e19728: 38 osds: 38 up, 38 in
              pgmap v902293: 1792 pgs, 5 pools, 363 GB data, 82273 objects
                    1121 GB used, 104 TB / 105 TB avail
                        1792 active+clean

  1. Boot a new instance:
# nova boot --flavor A2 --block-device source=image,id=35a49dbb-c975-46e1-b5d7-e77d704b39e3,dest=volume,size=60,shutdown=remove,bootindex=0 --availability-zone AZ1-2 test-consulting-ceph-monitor-after
            | OS-DCF:diskConfig                    | MANUAL                                                   |
            | OS-EXT-AZ:availability_zone          | AZ1-2                                                   |
            | OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:host                 | node2.tam.local             |
            | OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:hypervisor_hostname  | node2.tam.local             |
            | OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:instance_name        | inst-00000333                                            |
            | OS-EXT-STS:power_state               | 1                                                        |
            | OS-EXT-STS:task_state                | -                                                        |
            | OS-EXT-STS:vm_state                  | active                                                   |
            | OS-SRV-USG:launched_at               | 2017-02-16T15:50:26.000000                               |
            | OS-SRV-USG:terminated_at             | -                                                        |
            | accessIPv4                           |                                                          |
            | accessIPv6                           |                                                          |
            | config_drive                         |                                                          |
            | created                              | 2017-02-16T15:50:14Z                                     |
            | flavor                               | A2 (1002)                                                |
            | hostId                               | 42352d6d514527f13061236f3a182461ab4c7058f651b25fd92fd0a5 |
            | id                                   | 5b29b652-7d48-4a2a-b58e-fc795a9a6e25                     |
            | image                                | Attempt to boot from volume - no image supplied          |
            | key_name                             | -                                                        |
            | metadata                             | {}                                                       |
            | name                                 | test-consulting-ceph-monitor-after                         |
            | os-extended-volumes:volumes_attached | [{"id": "9b8008de-e704-432c-b837-53030e030456"}]         |
            | progress                             | 0                                                        |
            | status                               | ACTIVE                                                   |
            | tenant_id                            | f7697e2b770540558695168119dfbf08                         |
            | updated                              | 2017-02-16T15:50:26Z                                     |
            | user_id                              | admin                                                    |
  1. Check Ceph monitor IPs in nova.block_device_mapping (new instance):
        MariaDB [nova]> select * from nova.block_device_mapping where instance_uuid="5b29b652-7d48-4a2a-b58e-fc795a9a6e25"\G
            *************************** 1. row ***************************
                       created_at: 2017-02-16 15:50:14
                       updated_at: 2017-02-16 15:50:26
                       deleted_at: NULL
                               id: 807
                      device_name: /dev/vda
            delete_on_termination: 1
                      snapshot_id: NULL
                        volume_id: 9b8008de-e704-432c-b837-53030e030456
                      volume_size: 60
                        no_device: 0
                  connection_info: {"driver_volume_type": "rbd", "connector": {"initiator": "iqn.1994-05.com.redhat:4f18d539d1", "ip": "", "platform": "x86_64", "host": "node2.tam.local", "os_type": "linux2", "multipath": false}, "serial": "9b8008de-e704-432c-b837-53030e030456", "data": {"secret_type": "ceph", "name": "volumes/volume-9b8008de-e704-432c-b837-53030e030456", "encrypted": false, "secret_uuid": "d9bdd614-d20d-4a1f-8446-65a30b1bb009", "qos_specs": {"read_bytes_sec": "52428800", "write_iops_sec": "100", "write_bytes_sec": "52428800", "read_iops_sec": "100"}, "hosts": ["", "", "", "", "", ""], "volume_id": "9b8008de-e704-432c-b837-53030e030456", "auth_enabled": true, "access_mode": "rw", "auth_username": "volumes", "ports": ["6789", "6789", "6789", "6789", "6789", "6789"]}}
                    instance_uuid: 5b29b652-7d48-4a2a-b58e-fc795a9a6e25
                          deleted: 0
                      source_type: image
                 destination_type: volume
                     guest_format: NULL
                      device_type: disk
                         disk_bus: virtio
                       boot_index: 0
                         image_id: 35a49dbb-c975-46e1-b5d7-e77d704b39e3
            1 row in set (0.00 sec)
    6-Check Ceph monitor IPs in nova.block_device_mapping (old instance):
        MariaDB [nova]> select * from nova.block_device_mapping where instance_uuid="d61d23a4-b085-4f12-b3c3-eaacaa7ac33a"\G
            *************************** 1. row ***************************
                       created_at: 2017-02-16 14:27:40
                       updated_at: 2017-02-16 14:27:52
                       deleted_at: NULL
                               id: 756
                      device_name: /dev/vda
            delete_on_termination: 1
                      snapshot_id: NULL
                        volume_id: a5a69591-5aab-4aa8-86bf-f638a424990b
                      volume_size: 60
                        no_device: 0
                  connection_info: {"driver_volume_type": "rbd", "connector": {"initiator": "iqn.1994-05.com.redhat:a114ee6e254", "ip": "", "platform": "x86_64", "host": "node1.tam.local", "os_type": "linux2", "multipath": false}, "serial": "a5a69591-5aab-4aa8-86bf-f638a424990b", "data": {"secret_type": "ceph", "name": "volumes/volume-a5a69591-5aab-4aa8-86bf-f638a424990b", "encrypted": false, "secret_uuid": "d9bdd614-d20d-4a1f-8446-65a30b1bb009", "qos_specs": {"read_bytes_sec": "52428800", "write_iops_sec": "100", "write_bytes_sec": "52428800", "read_iops_sec": "100"}, "hosts": ["", "", "", "", ""], "volume_id": "a5a69591-5aab-4aa8-86bf-f638a424990b", "auth_enabled": true, "access_mode": "rw", "auth_username": "volumes",          "ports": ["6789", "6789", "6789", "6789", "6789"]}}
                    instance_uuid: d61d23a4-b085-4f12-b3c3-eaacaa7ac33a
                      deleted: 0
                      source_type: image
                 destination_type: volume
                     guest_format: NULL
                      device_type: disk
                         disk_bus: virtio
                       boot_index: 0
                         image_id: 35a49dbb-c975-46e1-b5d7-e77d704b39e3
            1 row in set (0.00 sec)

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