On controller replacement with predictable IPs, new controller ends up without IP addresses in Red Hat OpenStack Platform

Solution In Progress - Updated -


On controller replacement with predictable IPs, new controller ends up without IP addresses for statically configured IPs in Red Hat OpenStack Platform.

This happens after following https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_openstack_platform/8/html/director_installation_and_usage/sect-replacing_controller_nodes in an environment that uses ips-from-pool-all.yaml.

On the new stack update, the network deployment is timing out and the new controller's PXE / control plane interface is not reachable.
In order to investigate further, the system was booted into single user mode to change its password: https://access.redhat.com/solutions/918283
- additionally, the redirection from tty0 to console was removed from the kernel command line, otherwise no output would be shown once the shell was reached.

In /etc/os-net-config/config.json, instead of showing valid ip_netmask combinations, it only shows a netmask, e.g. /24:

{"type": "vlan", "addresses": [{"ip_netmask": "/24"}], "vlan_id": 902}]}

instead of

{"type": "vlan", "addresses": [{"ip_netmask": ""}], "vlan_id": 902}]}


Red Hat OpenStack Platform 8

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