Satellite certificate activation fails with "ERROR: <Fault -211: 'Invalid channel'>"

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat Satellite
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux


  • Activating a Satellite certificate fails with the following error:
# rhn-satellite-activate --rhn-cert=/tmp/test.cert -vvv
HTTP_PROXY: http://<proxy>:<port>
CA_CERT: /usr/share/rhn/RHNS-CA-CERT
Checking cert XML sanity and GPG signature: '/usr/bin/ --keyring /etc/webapp-keyring.gpg /etc/sysconfig/rhn/rhn-entitlement-cert.xml
Database connectioned initialized: refer to /etc/rhn/rhn.conf
Attempting local RHN Certificate push (and therefore activation)
Executing: remote XMLRPC deactivation (if necessary).
Executing: remote XMLRPC activation call.
Error reported from RHN: <Fault -211: 'Invalid channel'>
ERROR: unhandled XMLRPC fault upon remote activation: <Fault -211: 'Invalid channel'>

ERROR: <Fault -211: 'Invalid channel'>


  • RHN Satellite Server is supported with the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4, 5, or 6 Server base channel, not with the Red Hat Enterprise Linux Extended Update Support (EUS) base channels. If the Satellite's system profile on RHN Classic is subscribed to an EUS channel (e.g., "RHEL EUS Server (v. 6.2.z for 64-bit x86_64)"), then unsubscribe it from the EUS channel, and subscribe it to the regular base channel (e.g., "Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server (v. 6 for 64-bit x86_64)"). For more information on software requirements refer to the RHN Satellite Installation Guide.

    • Subscribe Satellite system to base channel,

      • Open Satellite system profile on RHN.
      • Click on Alter Channel Subscriptions link.
      • In Base Channel: list select Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server v4/5/6. Do not select RHEL EUS Server channel here.
    • To check whether there is issue with Satellite certificate, again generate the Satellite certificate.

    • Try to activate it using below command,

      # rhn-satellite-activate -vvv --rhn-cert=/path/to/newcertificate
    • If Satellite is working in disconnected mode use below command,

      # rhn-satellite-activate -vvv --rhn-cert=/path/to/newcertificate --disconnected
  • If still issue persist contact Red Hat Technical Support.

Root Cause

  • System is subscribed to an EUS base channel, or is not subscribed to any base channel.

Diagnostic Steps

  • With read only access,

    • Satellite system is subscribed to base channel "RHEL Extended Update Support (v. 5.4.z for 64-bit x86_64)" .
    • Satellite is not subscribed to any base channel.
  • Check the subscribed channels on the RHN Satellite server

  # rhn-channel -l 

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