Upgrade from Openstack Juno to Kilo fails with error [alembic.util] No such revision or branch 'juno-ucsm'

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat OpenStack 5.0 on RHEL 7 (installed initially)
    • Red Hat OpenStack 6.0 on RHEL 7 (current version)
  • openstack-neutron-2015.1.1-7.el7ost.noarch


[root@controller1 ~]# openstack-db --service neutron --update
INFO  [alembic.migration] Context impl MySQLImpl.
INFO  [alembic.migration] Will assume non-transactional DDL.
ERROR [alembic.util] No such revision or branch 'juno-ucsm'
Can't determine the existing sync level.
Please ensure the database is running and already initialised.


NOTE: This issue only affects brand new deployments of Openstack 6 (Juno) and immediate upgrade to Openstack 7(Kilo).

This issue is being tracked by bugzilla


1) Get the neutron DB-password from /etc/neutron/neutron.conf:

grep connection /etc/neutron/neutron.conf

2) Check which version of database schema is present using the neutron-db-password in step (1):

# mysql -uneutron -p<password> neutron -e "select * from alembic_version"
  • Confirm whether juno-ucsm is being used.

3) Correct this to use juno instead:

# mysql -uneutron -p<password> neutron -e "update alembic_version set version_num='juno' where version_num='juno-ucsm'

4) Then check if there are any other tables using ucsm:

# mysql -uneutron -p<password> neutron -e "show tables" | grep ucsm

5) Confirm if there are any ml2_ucsm_port_profiles table that still exists? If yes, drop that table using:

# mysql -uneutron -p<password> neutron -e "drop table ml2_ucsm_port_profiles"
  1. Then use the following neutron command to update the database:
# neutron-db-manage current
  • After this, you can follow the steps to continue updating the nova database.

Root Cause

  • The juno-ucsm is a db schema in process added in the most recent Openstack 6.z release it has nothing to do with used plugin 'juno-ucsm'
  • Migration change for OSP7 hasn't been released yet, "head" of Openstack 6 is not compatible with Openstack 7 at this time.

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