Fabric container loosing Fabric configuration after a restart

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • JBoss Fuse 6.1
  • Fabric


  • After restarting a container which was previously added to fabric and added to the ensemble, it seems to have no knowledge of the fabric.
  • Zookeeper URL not updated correctly when creating ensemble
    I've created three containers. I've then created an ensemble by creating a fabric on the first (fabric:create) then adding in the other two (fabric:ensemble-add). This all works fine, and the ensemble appears correctly. However, if I stop (bin/stop) one of the containers then restart (bin/start) it, it doesn't appear back in the fabric. I see the following error in the logs:
Unable to start blueprint container for bundle org.apache.karaf.features.management due to unresolved dependencies [(objectClass=org.apache.karaf.features.FeaturesService)]


This issue is being tracked by FABRIC-1078

Root Cause

The exact problem is this:

  • fabric:ensemble-add/remove creates new profiles and adds them to selected containers and updates ZK nodes responsible for storing new ZK URL
  • listeners attached to Git data store (which keeps profiles data) and ZK nodes (which store ZK URL and ensemble members) are fired
  • when root container is finally assigned new profile (created for the purpose of new ensemble), FabricConfigAdminBridge updates config admin PIDs, among others: io.fabric8.zookeeper which stores zookeeper.url property
  • before config.update(props) there's invocation of config.setBundleLocation(null) which ... causes the old configuration to be stored silently (org.apache.felix.cm.impl.ConfigurationBase#storeSilently()), but using different thread, which may be activated after config.update() with new values.

Diagnostic Steps

This issue can be verified by performing the following steps:

Setup fabric:

JBossFuse:karaf@fusepro> fabric:container-list
[id]                           [version] [connected] [profiles]                                         [provision status]
fusepro*                       1.0       true        fabric, fabric-ensemble-0000-1, jboss-fuse-full    success
oxygen                         1.0       true        fabric                                             success
oxygen-2                       1.0       true        fabric                                             success

Add the remote root containers to the fabric:

JBossFuse:karaf@fusepro> fabric:ensemble-add oxygen oxygen-2
This will change of the zookeeper connection string.
Are you sure want to proceed(yes/no):yes
Updated Zookeeper connection string:,,

Verify the profiles have been updated:

JBossFuse:karaf@fusepro> fabric:container-list
[id]                           [version] [connected] [profiles]                                         [provision status]
fusepro*                       1.0       true        fabric, jboss-fuse-full, fabric-ensemble-0001-1    success
oxygen                         1.0       true        fabric, fabric-ensemble-0001-2                     success
oxygen-2                       1.0       true        fabric, fabric-ensemble-0001-3                     success

Verify the zookeeper.url is properly set:

JBossFuse:karaf@fusepro> config:proplist -p io.fabric8.zookeeper
   service.pid = io.fabric8.zookeeper
   zookeeper.password = ZKENC=YWRtaW4=
   zookeeper.url =,,
   fabric.zookeeper.pid = io.fabric8.zookeeper

Terminate the container with the exit command:

JBossFuse:karaf@fusepro> exit
jasons-mbp:jboss-fuse-6.1.0.redhat-379 jsherman$ 

Restart the container:

jasons-mbp:jboss-fuse-6.1.0.redhat-379 jsherman$ ./bin/fuse

Check the zookeeper.url property:

JBossFuse:karaf@fusepro> config:proplist -p io.fabric8.zookeeper
   service.pid = io.fabric8.zookeeper
   zookeeper.password = ZKENC=YWRtaW4=
   zookeeper.url =
   fabric.zookeeper.pid = io.fabric8.zookeeper

Fabric commands no longer working:

JBossFuse:karaf@fusepro> fabric:container-list
Command not found: fabric:container-list

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