Versioning of Web services in JBoss Fuse

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat JBoss Fuse
    • 6.x


  • We want to know the best solution/strategy for versioning of Web services hosted in FUSE fabric server from a Governance stand point!
  • Can you please provide some references on how to version Web services from a Governance ?


  • All web services deployed in Fuse 6.1 in a fabric are configured into the fabric registry and so appear in the API console; so you can browse your WADL / WSDL and so forth.

  • We also have a (tech preview) Gateway which can provide discovery and load balancing between web services, which you can find in this link.

  • While API versioning is a huge and complex topic with lots of approaches; the gateway does support a simple approach to versioning or lets you expose explicitly versioned URIs:

  • The idea being to run a local gateway on each machine; then for all the containers on that machine to use the same fabric version; so that it sees a consistent set of back end services for that version. Then you can support multiple versions easily by different machines working on different fabric versions.

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