How to disable classloader isolation in JBoss EAP 6 ?

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform (EAP)
    • 6.x


  • We have a problem regarding a badly constructed 3rd party vendor application and the classloading mechanism in EAP 6.1.

  • We have a requirement of running the same WAR-application multiple times in the same JBoss instance (the WAR files will have very small differences, and be renamed differently). The problem lies in a vast amount of 3rd party jars which the vendor has put in the WAR file. Running the WAR multiple times will have the consequences of taking up a large amount of disk, slowing down the deployment process, and using more memory.

  • We would like to pull out the 3rd party jars and place them in a module. In order to reach methods with package-level scope in the 3rd party classes, the vendor has created their own classes with the same package-structure as the 3rd party jars but placed these in their own jars.

  • When trying to pulling out the 3rd party in a module in JBoss, these classes are loaded in their own classloader, whereas the vendors classes are loaded in the WAR-containers class loader. These can’t see/use each other – and nothing works.

  • Are there any ways we can force an application and a module to use the same classloader in JBoss ?


  • Modules in EAP 6 delegate dependencies to its peers and not to parents.
  • Hence, the application classloader and the module classloader will the different.
  • There is no way you an tweak the behaviour to include a common classloader for both the application and the dependent module.

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