Slow data(DICOM) tranfer speed

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As it says in the title, i'm having issues with the transfer speed of DICOM objects to VM running redhat server 9.3 operating system.
I have proceeded to the same test on multiple Linux distributions including, Oracle Linux 9.3, Debian 12.2, Ubuntu 20.04 and 22.04.
All VM have the exact same ressources allocated and run on the same host.

We face the same speed problem on the Oracle Linux VM.

Here are the specs :

  • 1 CPU core, 4GB RAM, 50GB for storage.
  • Same ressource allocation on software running on the vm and same versions installed (e.g MySQL, Wildfly, LDAP etc...).

Attached, screens of the results of speed of DICOM transfers, first to PACS running on redhat vm and then to the same PACS running on a Debian.

