Samba Share Active Directory Winbind Permission Denied

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Probably something simple. I followed the RHEL guide for setting up Samba on a Windows AD domain member. I can login to server directly as windows user charliek and read/write files in my share. So I know actual file permissions and AD authentication are working. However, when I try to access the share from a windows PC, I can see the share, but when I try to open it I get the error message "Windows cannot access \\charliefiles You do not have permission to access \\charliefiles..."

Here is my smb.conf file.

debug level = 2
log level = 1 auth_audit:3 windbind:5
log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
kerberos method = secrets and keytab
template homedir = /home/%U@%D
workgroup = CORP
template shell = /bin/bash
security = ads
idmap config CORP : range = 2000000-2999999
idmap config CORP : backend = rid
idmap config * : range = 10000-999999
idmap config * : backend = tdb
winbind use default domain = no
winbind refresh tickets = yes
winbind offline logon = yes
winbind enum groups = no
winbind enum users = no

path = /ZFTPRoot/charliefiles
read only = no
browseable = yes
valid users = +"CORP\domain users" CORP\charliek

This is the file permissions on the share itself:
[root@ZFTPRHEL /]# ls -al ZFTPRoot
total 0
drwxrwx--x. 3 root CORP\domain users 26 May 5 15:13 .
dr-xr-xr-x. 18 root root 240 May 5 15:13 ..
drwxrws--x. 2 root CORP\domain users 18 May 6 10:23 charliefiles
[root@ZFTPRHEL /]# ls -al ZFTPRoot/charliefiles
total 0
drwxrws--x. 2 root CORP\domain users 18 May 6 10:23 .
drwxrwx--x. 3 root CORP\domain users 26 May 5 15:13 ..
-rwxrwx--x. 1 CORP\charliek CORP\domain users 0 May 6 10:23 test
[root@ZFTPRHEL /]#
