How to enable queues for remote JMX monitoring?

Latest response


Cannot find instructions about how to configure the artemis activemq broker to enable queue over remote jmx, ie. management.xml, broker.xml, artemis.profile, etc.?

Used version.

artemis version: 2.6.3.redhat-00015
hawtio version: 1.4.0.redhat-630371
jolokia version: 1.4.0

What to configure to enable queue status within JMX monitoring?
Cannot find this within the manual pages. Please advice.

Only get the CPU, disk, uptime in the JMX monitoring...

Screenshot from amq mngmt console:
AMQ mngmt console screenshot

Screenshot from 3-party mngmt tool (for comment in discussion area below):
Problem when not using the same port

Best regards,
