Download and install version 1.6 of AMQ Online

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Version 1.6 of Red Hat AMQ Online is available for download and installation.

New and enhanced features of this release include:

  • OpenShift v4.5 disconnected installation: perform a disconnected installation of AMQ Online when your OpenShift cluster is being used as a disconnected cluster on a restricted network.

  • Specify a consumer priority: for outgoing forwarders, you can assign a priority value to the consumer associated with the forwarder. This allows you to influence message routing within the AMQP network by favoring one link over another.

  • Define a dead letter queue (DLQ) and expiry queue to control the behavior of a queue or subscription when a receiver cannot successfully process a message and the system returns the message to the queue for redelivery.

Learn more about the new features of this release in the Release Notes.