kvm and timer on guest VM

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Hello there,

I'm looking for help with some strange timer issue on KVM guest on RH 7.5. The next simple command produces inconsistent result and depends from uptime of VM

/usr/bin/time sleep 1

8.13 real 0.00 user 0.00 sys

If I run that command after some time the real reported time will increase. Looks like timer issue in kernel. Clock of VM started to drift.
I'm running latest version of kernel 3.10.0-862.6.3.el7.x86_64, and default versions of qemu and libvirt. I have FIPS mode enabled on host.

The same time I don't have that problem if I took elrepo kernel 4.4. Unfortunately I can't use that kernel due to no FIPS support in it.

Did some one experienced something similar?

Thanks, Serge.
