Glusterfs playbook failed at - TASK [openshift_storage_glusterfs : Create heketi DB volume]

Solution Verified - Updated -


Playbook runs and fails at:

TASK [openshift_storage_glusterfs : Create heketi DB volume] ***********************************************************
fatal: [glusterfs_node1]: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": ["oc", "rsh", "--namespace=glusterfs", "deploy-heketi-storage-1-wdlkz", "heketi-cli", "-s", "http://localhost:8080", "--user", "admin", "--secret", "8C3N9XlneA5OxVJ1+d5Ap0pwUp7hSJi6jOuARfCxXam=", "setup-openshift-heketi-storage", "--listfile", "/tmp/heketi-storage.json"], "delta": "0:00:01.386934", "end": "2018-03-21 18:03:48.402768", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 255, "start": "2018-03-21 18:03:47.015834", "stderr": "Error: No space\ncommand terminated with exit code 255", "stderr_lines": ["Error: No space", "command terminated with exit code 255"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []}


  • OpenShift Container Platform
    • 3.7

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