ComponentDefinitionException while getting a bean from blueprint container in Fuse ESB 7.1

Solution Verified - Updated -


Fuse Enterprise ESB 7.1


  • Assume there is a bean requiring declarative transaction handling and thus annotated with <tx:transaction\> element declared in the blueprint container.

  • If caller would attempt to get an instance of the bean via:

  • The caller may get the following exception:
getComponentInstance threw exception: Unable to convert instance ${bean_component_id}
org.osgi.service.blueprint.container.ComponentDefinitionException: Unable to convert instance ${bean_component_id}
at org.apache.aries.blueprint.container.BlueprintRepository.convert(
at org.apache.aries.blueprint.container.BlueprintRepository.create(
at org.apache.aries.blueprint.container.BlueprintContainerImpl.getComponentInstance(
Caused by: org.osgi.service.blueprint.container.ComponentDefinitionException: Unable to create proxy for bean ${bean_component_id} in bundle ${bundle_name}
at org.apache.aries.blueprint.container.BeanRecipe.addInterceptors(
at org.apache.aries.blueprint.container.BeanRecipe.wrap(
at org.apache.aries.blueprint.container.AggregateConverter.convert(
at org.apache.aries.blueprint.container.BlueprintRepository.convert(
at org.apache.aries.blueprint.container.BlueprintRepository.convert(
... 69 more
Caused by: org.apache.aries.proxy.UnableToProxyException: The class ${bean_class_name} is not an interface and therefore a proxy cannot be generated.
at org.apache.aries.proxy.impl.JdkProxyManager.getInterfaces(
at org.apache.aries.proxy.impl.JdkProxyManager.createNewProxy(
at org.apache.aries.proxy.impl.AbstractProxyManager.createDelegatingInterceptingProxy(
at org.apache.aries.proxy.impl.AbstractProxyManager.createInterceptingProxy(
at org.apache.aries.blueprint.container.BeanRecipe.addInterceptors(


Proposed resolution is a workaround.

  • Make sure your bean class is implementing business interface (let's denote it Interface_1 from now on). If class is not implementing interface, then create new Interface_1, factor out some class' methods into it and have class implement it. Callers must use Interface_1 to communicate with the bean instance and should not depend on class directly.

  • Create a new proxy bean denoted as BeanProxy_1 implementing Interface_1, holding reference to target object of Interface_1 and delegating all the interface level calls to the target.

  • Modify blueprint.xml to introduce proxy bean, retain <tx:transaction\> on original class, example is below:

<bean id="osgitest.provider.jbpm.api.interaction_impl" class="original_bean_class_name" 
        <tx:transaction method="...,...," value="Required"/>

<bean id="osgitest.provider.jbpm.api.interaction" class="proxy_bean_class_name" 
        <property name="target" ref="osgitest.provider.jbpm.api.interaction_impl" />

And then have callers to obtain proxy e.g. blueprintContainer.getComponentInstance("osgitest.provider.jbpm.api.interaction"); and work with it.

Root Cause

Apache Aries blueprint container may use JDK proxy mechanims to wrap-up original object with interceptor handling transactions semantics (e.g. if no ASM library found). JDK proxies cannot handle objects which do not implement any interfaces.
In addition to that, there is a bean wiring bug in Aries ENTESB-577

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