nova is reporting local disk for NFS backed cinder volumes

Solution Unverified - Updated -


Nova seems to be reporting local disk for NFS backed cinder volumes. This is a problem trying to create VMs in the overcloud.

[stack@director ~]$ nova hypervisor-stats
| Property             | Value   |
| count                | 2       |
| current_workload     | 0       |
| disk_available_least | 396     |
| free_disk_gb         | -300    |
| free_ram_mb          | 950218  |
| local_gb             | 400     |
| local_gb_used        | 700     |
| memory_mb            | 1031114 |
| memory_mb_used       | 80896   |
| running_vms          | 14      |
| vcpus                | 64      |
| vcpus_used           | 25      |
[heat-admin@compute1~]$ df -h
Filesystem                    Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda2                     279G   26G  254G  10% /
devtmpfs                      252G     0  252G   0% /dev
tmpfs                         252G   54M  252G   1% /dev/shm
tmpfs                         252G  1.4M  252G   1% /run
tmpfs                         252G     0  252G   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
tmpfs                          51G     0   51G   0% /run/user/991   500G   23G  478G   5% /var/lib/glance/images
tmpfs                          51G     0   51G   0% /run/user/990  820G  1.5G  818G   1% /var/lib/cinder/mnt/<uuid>  820G  8.4G  811G   2% /var/lib/cinder/mnt/<uuid>  820G   21G  799G   3% /var/lib/cinder/mnt/<uuid>  820G  1.4G  818G   1% /var/lib/cinder/mnt/<uuid>
tmpfs                          51G     0   51G   0% /run/user/1000


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