Virtual Systems

RHN can help you manage your virtual systems. RHN automatically recognizes whether a registered system is a virtual guest or host, and lists both types of systems here.
This page displays your virtual guest systems, grouped according to their host system. Hosts are indicated by the word Hosts: before the hostname of the system. Guests appear underneath thier host system, along with their status. The table displays whether the guests are running, stopped, or crashed, whether there are any errata available for them, and the base software channel to which they are sunscribed.
You can manage multiple guest systems by selecting the checkbox next to their hostname and one of the buttons at the bottom of the page. You can then press the Manage button at the top right of the screen to manage the systems using the System Set Manager.


Red Hat Network does not support the migration of virtual systems from one host to another. It is possible that if a virtual guest is migrated from one RHN-registered host to another, the web interface will indicate that the guest exists on the wrong host.