Java SDK Guide

Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization 3.6

Using the Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Java SDK

Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Documentation Team

Red Hat Customer Content Services


This guide describes Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization's Java Software Development Kit.

Chapter 1. Overview

The Java software development kit is a collection of classes that allows you to interact with the Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Manager in Java-based projects. By downloading these classes and adding them to your project, you can access a range of functionality for high-level automation of administrative tasks.
The Java software development kit uses the rhevm-sdk-java package, which is available to systems subscribed to a Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization entitlement pool in Red Hat Subscription Manager.

1.1. Prerequisites

To install the Java software development kit, you must have:
  • A system where Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.6 or 7 is installed. Both the Server and Workstation variants are supported.
  • A subscription to Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization entitlements.


The rhevm-sdk-java package must be installed on each system where scripts that use the software development kit will be run.


The software development kit is an interface for the Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization REST API. As such, you must use the version of the software development kit that corresponds to the version of your Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization environment. For example, if you are using Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization 3.5, you must use the version of the software development kit designed for 3.5.

Chapter 2. Creating a Build Environment

This chapter describes how to create a build environment to develop applications using the Java software development kit.

2.1. Installing the Java Software Development Kit

Install the Java software development kit and accompanying documentation.

Procedure 2.1. Installing the Java Software Development Kit

  1. Ensure your system is subscribed to the Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization entitlement in Red Hat Subscription Manager:
    # subscription-manager list --available | grep -A8 "Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization"
    # subscription-manager attach --pool=pool_id
    # subscription-manager repos --enable=rhel-6-server-rpms
    # subscription-manager repos --enable=rhel-6-server-rhevm-3.6-rpms
    # subscription-manager repos --enable=jb-eap-6-for-rhel-6-server-rpms
  2. Install the required packages:
    # yum install rhevm-sdk-java
    # yum install rhevm-sdk-java-javadoc
The Java software development kit and accompanying documentation are downloaded to the /usr/share/java/rhevm-sdk-java directory, and can now be added to Java projects.

2.2. Dependencies

To use the Java software development kit in Java applications, you must add the following JAR files to the class path of those applications:
  • commons-beanutils.jar
  • commons-codec.jar
  • httpclient.jar
  • httpcore.jar
  • jakarta-commons-logging.jar
  • log4j.jar
The packages that provide these JAR files are installed as dependencies to the rhevm-sdk-java package. By default, they are available in the /usr/share/java directory on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 systems.

2.3. Configuring SSL

The Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Manager Java SDK provides full support for HTTP over Secure Socket Layer (SSL) and the IETF Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol using the Java Secure Socket Extension (JSSE). JSSE has been integrated into the Java 2 platform as of version 1.4 and works with the Java SDK out of the box. On older Java 2 versions, JSSE must be manually installed and configured.

2.3.1. Configuring SSL

The following procedure outlines how to configure SSL using the Java SDK.

Procedure 2.2. Configuring SSL

  1. Download the certificate for the Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Manager:
    https://[your manager's address]:[port]/ca.crt
  2. Generate a keystore:
    keytool -import -alias "server.crt truststore" -file ca.crt -keystore server.truststore
  3. Specify the keyStorePath and keyStorePassword arguments when constructing an instance of the Api object as described in Section 3.1, “Connecting to the Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Manager”:

2.3.2. Host Verification

By default, the identity of the host name in the certificate is verified when attempting to open a connection to the Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Manager. You can disable verification by passing the following argument when constructing an instance of the Api class:


This method should not be used for production systems due to security reasons, unless it is a conscious decision and you are aware of the security implications of not verifying host identity.

Chapter 3. Using the Software Development Kit

This chapter outlines several examples of how to use the Java Software Development Kit.

3.1. Connecting to the Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Manager

The Api class is the main class you use to connect to and manipulate objects in a Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization environment. To declare an instance of this class, you must declare an instance of the ApiBuilder class, pass the required arguments to this instance using builder methods, then call the build method on the instance. The build method returns an instance of the Api class that you can then assign to a variable and use to perform subsequent actions.
The following is an example of a simple Java SE program that creates a connection with a Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization environment, then gracefully shuts down and closes the connection:

Example 3.1. Connecting to the Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Manager

package rhevm;

import org.ovirt.engine.sdk.Api;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import org.ovirt.engine.sdk.ApiBuilder;
import org.ovirt.engine.sdk.exceptions.ServerException;
import org.ovirt.engine.sdk.exceptions.UnsecuredConnectionAttemptError;

public class rhevm {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        Api api = null;

        try {

            ApiBuilder myBuilder = new ApiBuilder();


            api =;


        } catch (ServerException | UnsecuredConnectionAttemptError | IOException ex) {
            Logger.getLogger(Ovirt.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
        } finally {
            if (api != null) {
                try {
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    Logger.getLogger(Ovirt.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
This example creates a connection using basic authentication, but other methods are also available. For a list of the key arguments that can be passed to instances of the ApiBuilder class, see Appendix A, ApiBuilder Methods.


Note that the Api class does not implement the Autocloseable interface. As such, it is recommended that you shut down instances of the Api class in a finally block as per the above example to ensure the connection with the Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Manager is closed gracefully.

3.2. Listing Entities

The following example outlines how to list entities in the Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Manager. In this example, the entities to be listed are virtual machines, which are listed using the getVMs() method of the Api class.

Procedure 3.1. Listing Entities

  • Declare a List of the type of entity to be listed and use the corresponding method to get the list of entities:
    List<VM> vms = api.getVMs().list();

3.3. Modifying the Attributes of Resources

The following example outlines how to modify the attributes of a resource. In this example, the attribute to be modified is the description of the virtual machine with the name 'test', which is changed to 'java_sdk'.

Procedure 3.2. Modifying the Attributes of a Resource

  1. Declare an instance of the resource whose attributes are to be modified:
    VM vm = api.getVMs().get("test");
  2. Set the new value of the attribute:
  3. Update the virtual machine to apply the change:
    VM newVM = vm.update();

3.4. Getting a Resource

In the Java Software Development Kit, resources can be referred to via two attributes: name, and UUID. Both return an object with the specified attribute if that object exists.
To get a resource using the value of the name attribute:
VM vm = api.getVMs().get("test");
To get a resource using the value of the UUID attribute:
VM vm = api.getVMs().get(UUID.fromString("5a89a1d2-32be-33f7-a0d1-f8b5bc974ff6"));

3.5. Adding Resources

The following examples outline two ways to add resources to the Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Manager. In these examples, the resource to be added is a virtual machine.
Example 1

In this example, an instance of the VM class is declared to represent the new virtual machine to be added. Next, the attributes of that virtual machine set to the preferred values. Finally, the new virtual machine is added to the Manager.

org.ovirt.engine.sdk.entities.VM vmParams = new org.ovirt.engine.sdk.entities.VM();

VM vm = api.getVMs().add(vmParams);
Example 2

In this example, an instance of the VM class is declared in the same way as Example 1. However, rather than using the get method to reference existing objects in the Manager, each attribute is referenced by declaring an instance of that attribute. Finally, the new virtual machine is added to the Manager.

org.ovirt.engine.sdk.entities.VM vmParams = new org.ovirt.engine.sdk.entities.VM();

org.ovirt.engine.sdk.entities.Cluster clusterParam = new Cluster();
org.ovirt.engine.sdk.entities.Template templateParam = new Template();
VM vm = api.getVMs().add(vmParams);

3.6. Performing Actions on Resources

The following example outlines how to perform actions on a resource. In this example, a virtual machine with the name 'test' is started.

Procedure 3.3. Performing an Action on a Resource

  1. Declare an instance of the resource:
     VM vm = api.getVMs().get("test");
  2. Declare action parameters to send to the resource:
    Action actionParam = new Action();
    org.ovirt.engine.sdk.entities.VM vmParam = new org.ovirt.engine.sdk.entities.VM();
  3. Perform the action:
    Action res = vm.start(actionParam);
Alternatively, you can perform the action as an inner method:
Action res = vm.start(new Action()
        setVm(new org.ovirt.engine.sdk.entities.VM());

3.7. Listing Sub-Resources

The following example outlines how to list the sub-resources of a resource. In this example, the sub-resources of a virtual machine with the name 'test' are listed.

Procedure 3.4. Listing Sub-Resources

  1. Declare an instance of the resource whose sub-resources are to be listed:
    VM vm = api.getVMs().get("test");
  2. List the sub-resources:
    List<VMDisk> disks = vm.getDisks().list();

3.8. Getting Sub-Resources

The following example outlines how to reference the sub-resources of a resource. In this example, a disk with the name 'my disk' that belongs to a virtual machine with the name 'test' is referenced.

Procedure 3.5. Getting the Sub-Resources of a Resource

  1. Declare an instance of the resource whose sub-resources are to be referenced:
    VM vm = api.getVMs().get("test");
  2. Declare an instance of the sub-resource to be referenced:
    VMDisk disk = vm.getDisks().get("my disk");

3.9. Adding Sub-Resources to a Resource

The following example outlines how to add sub-resources to a resource. In this example, a new disk with a size of '1073741824L', interface 'virtio' and format 'cow' are added to a virtual machine with the name 'test'.

Procedure 3.6. Adding a Sub-Resource to a Resource

  1. Declare an instance of the resource to which sub-resources are to be added:
    VM vm = api.getVMs().get("test");
  2. Create parameters to define the attributes of the resource:
    Disk diskParam = new Disk();
  3. Add the sub-resource:
    Disk disk = vm.getDisks().add(diskParam);

3.10. Modifying Sub-Resources

The following example outlines how to modify sub-resources. In this example, the name of a disk with the name 'test_Disk1' belonging to a virtual machine with the name 'test' is changed to 'test_Disk1_updated'.

Procedure 3.7. Updating a Sub-Resource

  1. Declare an instance of the resource whose sub-resource is to be modified:
    VM vm = api.getVMs().get("test");
  2. Declare an instance of the sub-resource to be modified:
    VMDisk disk = vm.getDisks().get("test_Disk1");
  3. Set the new value of the attribute:
  4. Update the sub-resource:
    VMDisk updateDisk = disk.update();

3.11. Performing Actions on Sub-Resources

The following example outlines how to perform actions on sub-resources. In this example, a disk with the name 'test_Disk1' belonging to a virtual machine with the name 'test' is activated.

Procedure 3.8. Performing an Action on a Sub-Resource

  1. Declare an instance of the resource containing the sub-resource on which the action is to be performed:
    VM vm = api.getVMs().get("test");
  2. Declare an instance of the sub-resource:
    VMDisk disk = vm.getDisks().get("test_Disk1");
  3. Declare action parameters to send to the sub-resource:
    Action actionParam = new Action();
  4. Perform the action:
    Action result = disk.activate(actionParam);

Appendix A. ApiBuilder Methods

The following table outlines the key methods available to the ApiBuilder class.

Table A.1. ApiBuilder Methods

Method Argument Type Description
user String The name of the user with which to connect to the Manager. You must specify both the user name and domain, such as admin@internal. This method must be used together with the password method.
password String The password of the user with which to connect to the Manager.
sessionID String The identifier of a session with which to connect to the Manager. If you have already authenticated with the Manager and a session is available, you can specify this argument instead of specifying a user name and password.
requestTimeout Integer The timeout, in seconds, to wait for responses to requests. If a request takes longer than this value to respond, the request is cancelled, and an exception is thrown. This argument is optional.
sessionTimeout Integer The timeout, in minutes, after which an active session is destroyed if no requests are made to the Manager. This argument is optional.
persistentAuth Boolean Enables or disables persistent authentication using cookies. This option is enabled by default, so this method is only required to disable this option.
noHostVerification Boolean Enables or disables verification of the host name in the SSL certificate presented by the server where the Manager is hosted. By default, the identity of host names is verified, and the connection is rejected if the host name is not correct, so this method is only required to disable this option.
keyStorePath String Specifies the location of a file containing the CA certificate used to verify the certificate presented by the server where the Manager is hosted. This method must be used together with the keyStorePassword method.
keyStorePassword String The password used to access the keystore file specified in the keyStorePath method.
filter Boolean Enables or disables filtering of objects based on the permissions of the user making the request. By default, this option is disabled, which allows any user to see all objects in the environment. This method is only required to restrict the objects in the environment to those visible to the user making the request.
debug Boolean Enables or disables debug output. By default, this option is disabled.

Appendix B. Revision History

Revision History
Revision 3.6-4Wed 25 May 2016Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Documentation Team
BZ#1325323 - Updated instructions for configuring SSL and connecting to the Manager.
BZ#1317129 - Updated instructions for authenticating via a session identifier.
Revision 3.6-3Mon 22 Feb 2016Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Documentation Team
Initial revision for Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization 3.6 general availability.
Revision 3.6-2Wed 18 Nov 2015Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Documentation Team
Final revision for Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization 3.6 beta.
Revision 3.6-1Mon 10 Aug 2015Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Documentation Team
Initial creation for the Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization 3.6 release.

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