Test the Clustered JBoss EAP 6 Instance


This topic covers the steps to confirm that the clustered JBoss EAP 6 instances are running correctly.

Procedure 25.14. Testing the Clustered Instance

  1. Navigate to http://ELASTIC_IP_OF_APACHE_HTTPD in a browser to confirm the web server is running successfully.
  2. Test the Clustered Nodes

    1. Verify that one of the cluster nodes logs the following message:
      Putting date now
    2. Stop the cluster node that logged the message in the previous step.
    3. Verify that the time shown is the same as the time that was PUT using put.jsp in Step 2-a.
    4. Verify that one of the running cluster nodes logs the following message:
      Getting date now
    5. Restart the stopped clustered node.
    6. Connect to the Apache HTTP server instance:
      ssh -L7654:localhost:7654 <ELASTIC_IP_OF_APACHE_HTTPD>
    7. Navigate to http://localhost:7654/mod_cluster-manager to confirm all instances are running correctly.

The clustered JBoss EAP 6 instances have been tested, and confirmed to be working correctly.