Non-clustered Managed Domains Launch an Instance to Serve as a Domain Controller

This topic covers the steps required to launch a non-clustered JBoss EAP 6 managed domain on a Red Hat AMI (Amazon Machine Image).

Procedure 25.3. Launch a non-clustered JBoss EAP 6 managed domain on a Red Hat AMI

  1. In the Security Group tab, ensure all traffic is allowed. Red Hat Enterprise Linux's built-in firewall capabilities can be used to restrict access if desired.
  2. Set the public subnet of the VPC to running.
  3. Select a static IP.
  4. Configure the User Data field. The configurable parameters are available here: Section 25.4.1, “Permanent Configuration Parameters”, Section 25.4.2, “Custom Script Parameters”. For further information on domain controller discovery on Amazon EC2, see Section, “Configuring Domain Controller Discovery and Failover on Amazon EC2”.

    Example 25.4. Example User Data Field

    The example shows the User Data field for a non-clustered JBoss EAP 6 managed domain. The password for the user admin has been set to admin.
    ## password that will be used by slave host controllers to connect to the domain controller
    ## subnet prefix this machine is connected to
    ## S3 domain controller discovery setup
    # JBOSS_DOMAIN_S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<your secret key>
    # JBOSS_DOMAIN_S3_ACCESS_KEY=<your access key>
    # JBOSS_DOMAIN_S3_BUCKET=<your bucket name>
    #### to run the example no modifications below should be needed ####
    PORTS_ALLOWED="9999 9990 9443"
    JBOSS_IP=`hostname | sed -e 's/ip-//' -e 'y/-/./'` #listen on public/private EC2 IP address
    cat > $USER_SCRIPT << "EOF"
    ## Get the application to be deployed from an Internet URL
    # mkdir -p /usr/share/java/jboss-ec2-eap-applications
    # wget https://<your secure storage hostname>/<path>/<app name>.war -O /usr/share/java/jboss-ec2-eap-applications/<app name>.war
    ## Create a file of CLI commands to be executed after starting the server
    cat> $USER_CLI_COMMANDS << "EOC" 
    # Add the modcluster subsystem to the default profile to set up a proxy
    /:composite(steps=[ {"operation" => "add", "address" => [ ("profile" => "default"), ("subsystem" => "modcluster") ] },{ "operation" => "add", "address" => [ ("profile" => "default"), ("subsystem" => "modcluster"), ("mod-cluster-config" => "configuration") ], "advertise" => "false", "proxy-list" => "${jboss.modcluster.proxyList}", "connector" => "ajp"}, { "operation" => "add", "address" => [ ("profile" => "default"), ("subsystem" => "modcluster"), ("mod-cluster-config" => "configuration"), ("dynamic-load-provider" => "configuration") ]}, { "operation" => "add", "address" => [ ("profile" => "default"), ("subsystem" => "modcluster"), ("mod-cluster-config" => "configuration"), ("dynamic-load-provider" => "configuration"), ("load-metric" => "busyness")], "type" => "busyness"} ])
    # Deploy the sample application from the local filesystem
    deploy /usr/share/java/jboss-ec2-eap-samples/hello.war --server-groups=main-server-group
    ## this will workaround the problem that in a VPC, instance hostnames are not resolvable
    echo -e "\tlocalhost.localdomain localhost" > /etc/hosts
    echo -e "::1\tlocalhost6.localdomain6 localhost6" >> /etc/hosts
    for (( i=1 ; i<255 ; i++ )); do
       echo -e "$SUBNET$i\tip-${SUBNET//./-}$i" ;
    done >> /etc/hosts
  5. For Production Instances

    For a production instance, add the following line beneath the USER_SCRIPT line of the User Data field, to ensure security updates are applied on boot.
    yum -y update


    yum -y update should be run regularly, to apply security fixes and enhancements.
  6. Launch the Red Hat AMI instance.

A non-clustered JBoss EAP 6 managed domain has been configured, and launched on a Red Hat AMI.