Connect JBoss activemq JMS Bridge across containers through the Service Mesh

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I am trying to connect containers using an the internal JBoss activemq JMS Bridge across two JBoss 7.4 JDK11 containers. I have it working when the containers are not in the Openshift Service Mesh, but when I add the containers to the Mesh I am having difficulties routing the bridge url to the target container.

Is this because the http-remoting protocol is created by JBoss Remoting and the Service Mesh does not recognize that protocol?

If Openshift Service Mesh does recognize the protocol, is it HTTP or TCP?

Eg; Virtual Service snippet
- match:
- port: 8180
- destination:
host: target-jboss

eg; Bridge URL

I found a solution by deploying the containers on the same pod and connecting them using localhost however I would ultimately like them on separate pods. In the future we plan to use the ActiveMQ container
