JBoss EAP 8.0, IBM MQ connection JDNI lookup error
Trying to migrate from JBoss 7.3 to JBoss 8.0 and also migrating from JDK 8 to JDK 17. JBoss 8.0 requires migrating javax packages to jakarta package so have replaces javax.jms.* to jakarta.jms.*. After migration I'm getting below error saying queue connection factory is missing. MQ set up is working in earlier versions,before migration, and also in other env. So not sure if anything changed in JBoss 8.0 ?
Current Env :
JBoss 8.0 , wmq.jakarta.jmsra.rar (from IBM MQ 9.3), JDK 17
Old Env :
JBoss 7.3 , wmq.jmsra.rar , JDK 8
Connection Defenition :
Admin object :
Error message after migration:
"WFLYCTL0180: Services with missing/unavailable dependencies" => [
.ProfileSender.env.jms.credit.cif_profile_queue_connection_factory is missing
"jboss.naming.context.java.comp.\"credit-1.0-SNAPSHOT.1\".\"credit-1.0-SNAPSHOT\".ProfileConsumer.env.jms.credit.cif_profile_queue is missing [jboss.naming.context.java.jms.credit.cif_profile_queue]",