is it me?

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I have tried quite a number of times to install/start/use CRC on a few different Windows 10 PCs. But I did not get it working ... it always fails, with differing errors. I'm giving up now but just want to send this final report.

I had it running about a year ago or was it even earlier. But not since then. Yesterday I tried again with the current version. I did first try just with the "podman" setup and while it started without too much hickup (had to click "Start" a couple of times before it did), I can't access it. When I enter podman commands from the "Developer Terminal", all I get is an error that it can't talk to the podman VM because of "ssh handshake failed". I then switched to "real" CRC, e.g OpenShift and after the second try it also started (on the first attempt it complained about some timeout). The "crc start" reports success and the console URL and login command (and credentials). When I try to access the console URL I just get a blank page without any error messare. When I try to "oc login", I only end up with "... error: 404".

Do other people have more success with this tool?

On my own Windows 10 PC I got a hand made podman setup working without problems following about this:
And I also got the latest minikube working on it just fine.
So the system is capable and WSL2 works fine etc.
