Does podman network create command work under RHEL8?

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My background is Docker and I'm used to running the following command to create a network for individual containers:

docker network create "enter name here" 

However with Podman, looking thru the documentation under

Looks like we can run the following command to create a network:

podman network create 

I've tried to run this with sudo and no sudo and get the following

[user_a@host_b net.d]$ sudo podman network create foo
[sudo] password for user_a: 
Error: unrecognized command `podman network`
Try 'podman --help' for more information.

The reason for this is that I'm trying to demo Prometheus container and want to scrape RHEL UBI containers as as test and I'm not able to open the same port (9100) on those containers (may have to create a pod for those containers, which I'm learning on the fly).

Here is info on Podman:

[user_a@host_b net.d]$ podman version
Version:            1.4.2-stable2
RemoteAPI Version:  1
Go Version:         go1.12.8
OS/Arch:            linux/amd64

