zLinux ubi7 repos

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I have been trying to use the below Dockerfile to install the ksh,gdb,glibc etc. but I coudnot able to find the proper zLinux repo for that, Kindly help

FROM registry.redhat.io/ubi7/ubi-minimal:latest
USER root
RUN microdnf --disablerepo="" --enablerepo=ubi-7-appstream --enablerepo=ubi-7-baseos --enablerepo=ubi-7-codeready-builder install -y \
gawk \
gdb \
glibc.s390 \
glibc-devel.s390 \
ncurses-libs.s390 \
ncurses-devel.s390 \
ncurses-compat-libs.s390 \
libstdc++.s390 \
net-tools \
tar \
procps-ng \
libcurl.s390 \
libevent.s390 \
glibc-locale-source glibc-langpack-en \
&& microdnf clean all
RUN microdnf --disablerepo="
" --enablerepo=rhel-7-for-s390x-appstream-beta-rpms --enablerepo=rhel-7-for-s390x-baseos-beta-rpms \
install ksh \

RUN ln -s /usr/lib/libcurl.so.4 /usr/lib/libcurl.so
