Missing screen resolution on Virtual machine

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Hello everybody,
I would like to ask you a question about missing screen resolution on my cloud virtual machine.
I just installed RHEL 8.3 using VMware. During installation I selected server environment only and I chose GNOME for desktop. When I perform login, the screen resolution is too small and it's fixed to 1280x800. I can't switch between other available resolutions. If I try to choose another resolution nothing change.
I noted that the common resolution 1920x1080 is missing. What can I do to add this? Is it good practice to add new resolution using xrandr?

What I wrote is my common scenario. I have this problem using also Oracle VirtualBox.

I use NoMachine to connect remotely to my desktop. Sometimes I use also VNC (but it's too slow).
To solve temporally my problem I need to do:
- when I use NoMachine, I need to force to create each time new parallel desktop session with fixed geometry to 1920x1080;
- When I use VNC, I need to force to connect using geometry 1920x1080.

What can I do to use "native" resolution without using workarounds?
Thank you for your help!
