x11 forwarding through gateway server without x11-server

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We need to pull a remote GUI across a RHEL 7 server configured as a secure gateway/firewall.
Our current systems all use RHEL 6.2 and we are able to pull a remote GUI through each sites gateway server without any problems. All remote servers, gateways, and local workstations are configured with full x11 capabilities.
We are being tasked to upgrade all of our remote servers and gateways to RHEL 7. Part of the new security requirements recommend that the gateway servers not be configured with x11-server. I've found various articles and discussions about using a minimal x11 configuration on a RHEL 7 gateway server to pass x11 through the gateway, but none of them are complete.
We have full GUI installed on our test servers and workstations. and only xorg-x11-xauth xorg-x11-fonts-* xorg-x11-utils installed on the gateway server. We've configured accordingly, but we can't pull the GUI from the servers to the workstations.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
