Webinar : Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Essentials

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Yesterday I enjoyed the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Essentials Webinar ...
Scott McBrien, Technical Product Manager, Red Hat Online Training, covered these topics :

  • Usage of the top-level directories
  • Changes to the file system structure
  • Overview of the systemd architecture
  • Controlling system services with systemctl
  • Identification of automatically started processes
  • General and specific usage of systemd-analyze

Scott explained everything in an exciting and understandable way, so I can recommend to register for the webinar. Especially new users of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (7) and also new users of any other Linux operating system can gain much profit from watching this useful presentation/webcast.

One thing that made me wonder though, was the fact that having the proprietary Adobe Flash Player installed is (still) required, there was no way to access the content without having it installed - well, I thought to myself : really ??? ... and this for something coming from the open source company Red Hat ??? In case that anybody has an idea how to attend Red Hat Webinars without using the proprietary flash player plugin, please let me know.

Thanks :)
