Red Hat Enterprise Linux Openstack Platform Installer 6.0 - It cannot be provisioned from a discovered host directly.

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Hello there,

I'm trying to use the rhel-osp-installer as an OS provisioning tool, like its original - the foreman.

But if I tried to provision a discovered host, the provisioning host didn't get a provisioning templates - I'm using the pxelinux and the kickstart, and always my pxelinux templates get an HTTP 500 Error.

When I found this problem, I found an error code seems to be related about it.
Started GET "/discovered_hosts/mac5254009c8a16/edit" for at 2015-07-06 19:10:29 +0900
Processing by DiscoveredHostsController#edit as */*
Parameters: {"id"=>"mac5254009c8a16"}
Operation FAILED: undefined method `becomes' for nil:NilClass
Rendered common/500.html.erb (138.7ms)
Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 147ms (Views: 141.2ms | ActiveRecord: 1.8ms)

If I try to provision a host by Openstack deployments, there's no error and the host provisioned well.

Please help me out... ;(
