Can I use the Mellanox iSER volume driver with Red Hat Enterprise Linux Openstack Platform?

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Usage of the OpenStack Cinder iSER driver with Mellanox's Infiniband technology has been tested and validated with Red Hat Enterprise Linux OpenStack Enterprise Platform, versions 3 and 4.

For Red Hat Enterprise Linux OpenStack Platform version 3, the driver depends on iSER extensions not available in this release, and its usage requires specific files provided by Mellanox. The list of these files as well as other installation and configuration details is documented on the Grizzly Release section of Mellanox's wiki page for Cinder[1]. As these components are provided by Mellanox, they are covered under Red Hat's support policy for third-part software [2].

For Red Hat Enterprise Linux OpenStack Platform version 4, the functionality has been incorporated into Cinder, via the LVMISERDriver. For configuration details, see the Havana Release section of Mellanox's wiki page for Cinder[1].

